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Items tagged with: dma

#Apple, #Google, and Meta are failing #DMA compliance, #EU suspects

Not even three weeks after the European Union's Digital Markets Act (DMA) took effect, the #EuropeanCommission (EC) announced Monday that it is already probing three out of six gatekeepers—Apple, Google, and Meta—for suspected non-compliance.

Just in case you're wondering why #Apple & #Google etc. are such jerks about implementing #DMA, here are some numbers:

* play store revenue 2019: $ 11.2 Billion
* apple appstore revenue 2019: $ 55.5 Billion
* apple app store made more money on games alone in 2019 than nintendo, microsoft and sony combined

In my work with #FDroid I've discussed our work with gov regulators for South Africa, UK, EU and Japan as well as competition litigators from multiple US States and the EU. From this, I'm starting to see a picture of #Apple's and #Google's semi-related strategies of making "sideloading" (installing apps outside of their #gatekeeper control) look bad as a way to keep their monopolies in the face of #DMA and other regulatory actions. I'm still looking for data about the actual real world risks 1/

Wczoraj w #OkoPress poszedł jeszcze jeden mój tekst, tym razem o akcie o rynkach cyfrowych (#DMA, Digital Markets Act):

> Zamiast debatować nad tym, czy dany usługodawca jest monopolistą w dosłownym sensie, unijni prawodawcy postanowili więc skupić się na faktycznej władzy, jaką ma on nad milionami jej użytkowniczek i użytkowników.

> Stąd użycie w unijnej regulacji terminu „strażnik dostępu".


We reached a new milestone in ensuring the openness of digital markets.

Last week, 7 companies notified us they qualify as 'Gatekeepers' under the Digital Market Act.

We will check their submission before designating them. They will have 6 months to comply with the #DMA and, among others, be unable to:
- lock in users in their ecosystem;
- decide which apps you need pre-installed or which app store to use;
- treat their own products and services more favourably.

A visual with a black flip board listing the name of the 7 companies that notified the European Commission that they meet the thresholds to qualify as gatekeepers under the Digital Markets Act, and the cut-off date their submission will be reviewed:

Sept 6 - Alphabet
Sept 6 - Amazon
Sept 6 - Apple 
Sept 6 - Bytedance
Sept 6 - Meta 
Sept 6 - Microsoft
Sept 6 – Samsung

Above the flip board, the text “First potential Gatekeepers under the Digital Markets Act.”

At the bottom of the visual is the logo of the European Commission.

This is *huge* news - the DMA has passed in the EU Parliament, including the interoperability extension to social media, mandating that the big tech gatekeepers must adopt open standards for interoperability. The world is changing... :D #CompDM


The European Parliament has adopted its position on the Digital Markets Act #DMA with 642 votes for, 8 against, and 46 abstentions.



With 50+ tech companies from 16 countries, Element is part of #CompDM which sent a letter to #plenary urging for stronger upfront rules for dominant “gatekeeper” firms in the #DMA.

Check it out:

What are we asking? Let's see! ⬇️



Highly recommend viewing of this live, especially to those following the developments of the #DMA. A very accessible explainer on interoperability and even a live demo of how Matrix brings interop to life 🚀



The #DigitalMarketsAct CAN level the playing field and give users back control over their data. To do so, it's necessary to regulate the market, so that the gatekeepers cannot abuse their power. For, I explained what the #DMA can bring us.
