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Guys, stop trying to cancel me. I'm trans now!
So I'm basically a Nazi trying to exterminate all trans women. On the other hand I'm a gay diversity hire. It's got to be one or the other, right?
I posted this pic of myself in a dress on purpose. I think it's funny for numerous reasons. Feel free to laugh with me. But the idea this should be used to embarrass me is ridiculous. Every time you share this image it emboldens me and confuses my enemies.
For a little a while I thought you might be a fellow lean-into-emergent-narratives Chad. Turns out you're just another correct-the-record beta, which at least gels much more nicely with what I already know about you, but is still magnitudes more gay than posting pictures of yourself in a gown could ever possibly be on its own.
You're right, how could I make such a mistake.
yeah, you’re really owning those Ts alright. If you had the wisdom to look deeper you would see what I see, a pitiful, narcissist screaming, β€œlook at me, look at me, I’m morally superior to all of you”. It has nothing to do with Trans or faggots or vegans or feminists or decentralized socials or anything else. Just an arrogant entitled wanna be king.
Derek, all you have to do is not say faggot for 5 minutes and I could introduce you to some people. Do you think this is possible?
That's not a valid condition, but you also shouldn't proudly wear dresses Alex. That's really not a good look for a man.
I do what I want and you can't stop me. That's called freedom.
dresses really do give you freedom if you know what i mean
It’s definitely confusing your enemies.
congrats on the transition
@alexBetween this and that one video of that guy who got kicked out of a playground for talking to children about sex it is impressive just how many strange lookalikes of you there are out there
It's really me! I look retarded.
@Shadowman311You look better with the beard :thumbsupkonata:
The masculine trait of not giving a fuck about looking retarded in a dress online
@alexPlot twist: they all are actually Alex.
People say to me all the time, "anyone ever told you you look like <famous guy with beard and glasses>?!"

It's a different person every time, but I just say "yes" anyway to make them feel good.
gf and i legit saw someone who looked identical new years eve day in Niagara Falls. I think I tagged you in a poast about it but man I would have bet money it was u
hey, anyone ever told you you look like alex gleason?
Truth Social runs fediverse software? I am not your enemy but I am very confused.
Not only that, but to THIS DAY a message to Eugen creator of Mastodon is immortalized on the Open Source page. So unprofessional but so good and epic.
doesn't look like it's still there
which means that eugen can't even see it without an archive link or a VPN lol

my vps is in newmarket ontario did i break the matrix

Perhaps you can explain a bit Alex?

Last I checked, it was a #SoapBox frontend (pretty fricken' kewl), but no web access (WTF is sup wit dat, bitches?), And so I was unable to create an account.

And although there was an #Apple 🍎 app, no such #Android beast.

Is that correct? And what kind of goofy logic is that where you can only access the site if you have an #iPhone?

I suppose i would have tried to use #Fedilab, i would suppose, but you need to already have an account to do that.

I know I'm not "missing out" on anything, but What am I missing here?

#tallship #FOSS #Fediverse


@alexI hope MK doesn't revenge fuck you in that dress. To roleplay getting back at trannies. You know working through her demons. Like you'd literally be Queers.
I'm reporting you to the British police for that comment.