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Items tagged with: coronavirus

There is a nice infographic in this article explaining how the global COVID-19 tracking app could work but they missed a few things. Here is revised and improved variant 😀

Coronavirus: Call for single EU tracking app with data protection | BBC News

Europe's data protection watchdog has called for a single coronavirus app to be used across the EU, instead of every country making its own.
Several countries are developing tracking apps, but privacy advocates warn of the dangers they might pose.
The European Data Protection Supervisor says a single EU app with strong data protection built in is the best solution to the coronavirus pandemic.

#technology #tech #Covid-19 #CoronaVirus

#privacy #freedom #surveillance #pandemic


◽Mazurka op. 81, no. 1◽

🎼Jean Sibelius
🎻Pekka Kuusisto
🎻Camerata RCO🎻

Arranged by T. Beijer
One of the top classical musicians in Finland, violinist Pekka Kuusisto revealed in an interview yesterday that he has been at home sick for about a week and a half now. He said he got a positive result when tested for the #coronavirus just a few days ago. Describing his condition as "bareable", Kuusisto continues to fight the bug in a home quarantine and is not hospitalized.
We wish him all possible strength and hope for a full and speedy recovery !

#TeamSintti #TuneForToday #musiikki #music #classical #Klassinen #Sibelius #Mazurka #PekkaKuusisto #CamerataRCO

UK Christian Clergy Warn Vaccine Passports Will Create ‘Medical Apartheid’

Christian leaders in the UK have signed an open letter to Prime Minister Boris Johnson protesting coronavirus vaccine passports.
UK Christian Clergy: Vaccine Passports Will Create ‘Medical Apartheid’
#BorisJohnson #Christianity #coronavirus #COVID-19 #Religiousfreedom #VaccinePassports

Oh dear. Yup. Second graph actual data from California.

Rational expectations is utterly dead to me. #coronavirus #doh #whatdidwethinkwouldhappen


Yanis Varoufakis: "It is either political unification or disintegration of the EU."

Part of the "COVID-19 Chronicles" series: Greek economist, academic, philosopher and politician Yanis Varoufakis talks to Frank Barat about the #coronavirus crisis and what it means for the future of the Europea...

French President Macron on 03/19: Regrets too many French people are taking confinement rules lightly.
French President Macron the same day: Urges French businesses and employees to keep working.
#coronavirus keeps sending meetup event reminder emails and it currently isn't the best of times for these. #coronavirus

Can you imagine if the World was just as alarmed about #ClimateChange as it is about the current #Coronavirus?

Even then it is to late to stop it of course. People had to be alarmed in the nineties, when all facts were already there.

You can also turn it around. Imagine when the World is not alarmed at all about the Coronavirus? They just regard it as an scientific 'opinion', and only after 2040 they will start thinking about doing something about it. Just imagine!


Ich kann das mit Corona irgendwie nicht mehr hören. Es wird Zeit, dass die Medien wieder anderes Futter bekommen. Das Tupet aus USA ist doch immer für etwas gut.

Letzes Jahr sind >22000 Menschen an "normaler" Grippe gestorben. Hat man auch nichts in den Medien von gehört.

#corona #coronavirus #Corana-Infektionen