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Oh dear. Yup. Second graph actual data from California.

Rational expectations is utterly dead to me. #coronavirus #doh #whatdidwethinkwouldhappen

in italy the curve for new cases is actually the one in the first graph (except it doesn't rise at the end...yet)
I didn't know it was going to happen, I learned it happened with previous global pandemics, I feared it would happen with this one, I didn't want for it to happen but it looks like it is happening.
What are you talking about, exactly? The rise in new daily cases, or the wrong perception about them?
I'm from italy, we had a 3 months total lockdown, now since a few weeks rules have relaxed, people are acting as though almost nothing happened, they are *very* relaxed. I was fearing the cases would skyrocket again, but it is not happening. I'm still very cautious about being optimist, in the back of my head I'm still worried but it does seem the situation here is sorta kinda under control
And about how people percieve it, it seems most think the pandemic is just over, even though we still have 300 new cases each day.

Another problem is that I don't know how new cases are identified: since if you test positive, you get put into at least a two week quarantine period where you can't leave your house, as far as I know many people are offered tests but refuse them, which doesn't help the virus to be kept under control :/
The CDC is cautiously optimistic the summer humidity is playing a part in slowing the spread in spite of everyone post idiots post lockdown. That said once temps go back down again the second wave will be awful because people will already be inoculation against the data and evidence, just like with the Spanish flu.
I'm talking about the now seemingly inevitable Second Wave.
oh, I see. I'm concerned too. As @Kemenwe Tar-Sirion points out, the summer season helps reduce the spread of the disease (for various reasons, one of the main reasons I hear being that people spend less time inside), but come fall the numbers are likely to rise again.
Let's hope while people do underestimate the situation, at least our governments don't!