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Items tagged with: gender

Made a ten-second #meme about the difficulties I have being a #freeTheNipple / #toplessEquality #activist #contentCreator who doesn't provide #sexWork content and gets pissed off when men ignore my whole mission for "highlighting the insane hypocrisy and #sexism of #gender based #censorship" by sexually harassing me in comments and DMs.
The "two button" meme featuring a muscular man sweating nervously as he tries to decide which of two buttons to press.
Button one: ban a patreon donor for sending me sexually harassing dms
button two: look the other way because the perverts are the only ones willing to send money

Before the Marlboro Man, the same product was marketed as a feminine luxury item with lipstick-red tips. Because gendered branding is just made up.
#vintageAd #gender #tobacco
Vintage ad for Marlboro cigarettes. A woman in a dramatic yellow and black dress holds a cigarette as she reaches for the keys of a piano with her other hand. Tagline reads: “Marlboro – America’s luxury cigarette”

Hi Mastodon: I'm new to the neighborhood so a bit about me if you want to follow:
I am a professor invested in public communication/informing the public/#scicomm: I post on topics related to #publichealth, #policy, & #community life. This includes stuff on #vaccinations, #pandemic preparedness, dis-/#misinformation, various things #COVID19, and disparities in all sorts of #health outcomes across different social groups (by #income, #race/#ethnicity, #gender, & sexual identity, geography).

i reformatted a zine i made earlier this year to post it as a thread.

i was frustrated with the language used to describe gender and how limiting it is as a nonbinary/genderqueer person to use language centered around the gender binary. this is what sprung from that frustration:

#zine #trans #gender #queer #nonbinary #genderqueer
cover of a zine titled: Describing Gender Beyond the Binary. ideas for describing gender without the framework of a male-female binary by @frogwatching. there's a red-yellow gradient shape with dots, crosses and dotted lines around it in the upper right corner of the cover.
this zine is a small tool for deconstructing the gender binary. it contains ideas to describe gender that don't rely on the juxtaposition of male and female as opposites on  an axis that all other genders must be positioned around.

it's an invitation to be creative and imaginative with the language around gender.

Has Google Translate always had this feature? Just noticing it now. #Gender #Language

At the gym my kid goes, a billboard presents the staff with their favorite color.

Out of 10 women:
- 4 Blue
- 3 Purple
- 2 Lavender
- 1 Green

Out of 3 men:
- 2 Red
- 1 Silver

No wonder I feel different liking blue as a man.
