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I know there are hundreds of #mutualAid requests on here already (yay #capitalism) but here's another one for you to consider. Marlee has been a member of the Topless Topics community and a good friend for years, he's spent most of his life #houseless, and being openly #queer in a very conservative state, has trouble finding steady employment (you don't even want to know some of the horrible comments from coworkers and bosses he's had to endure...). this is a rare chance for him to experience housing security for at least a little while, so please consider helping him make rent. thank you.
Gofundme request from Marlee Gould for $1,500 for rent:

"Hi, my name is Marlee and I need help with rent. I currently live in a weekly-rate motel and work full time and go to college. On 2/28 I slipped on some ice while walking home and injured my knee. The doctor at the ER put me in a brace and crutches, and work said I couldn't work with crutches so I ended up out of work for almost a week. My weekly rent is 297 after tax. I have enough to cover this weeks rent, but not next week and possibly the week after. Any help would be appreciated! "