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Are you serious david?
We can't let our kids see this kind of painting! Wake up David!
@zaki Why? What happens to kids watching it?

If you really don't know the answer, I think reading a bit about cognitive psychology will help.
@quadrone cognitive psychology looks like a large litterature, with lake of consistency. I'm sure in a field like that active since the 1970 and with many theory made of uncheckable data, you can find everything and its opposite written on a topic. I would prefer reading about a paper made by a neutral entity with a scientific method I could trust about what happened to kids who saw two lovers kisses, regardless of their gender...

@zaki @stemy
I don't have enough proficiency in this matter to recommend something sounding so ridiculous. Maybe someone else on fedi does. What I personally can suggest is
We care about our family, the natural family
@zaki Hey, I made a quick search, and your graphic is certainly fake. There is no evidence of this, as far as i could browse the topic.

Could you check your sources next time before sending propaganda on social media based on nothing but lies and spreading hate? It always take time to search for the truth ...
