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For those of you, like me, watching America’s rapid descent into fascism in abject horror from the sidelines in Europe, remember: where America goes, the West soon follows. If we don’t like where that is, we must do better than doing the same things and hoping for different outcomes.

What I’m saying is America is a warning, not an instruction manual.

#america #us #usa #republicans #conservatives #fascism #europe #eu
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
@Aral Balkan As a citizen of #authoritarian state #2 in the EU , what I see as the biggest threat is the normalization of the participation in public life of parties and organizations with overtly proto-fascist agendas, which only a few years ago operated on the complete margins. Today they have representation in parliament and the mainstream media invite them to programs, giving them time and their millions of viewers to present their "views."