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Items tagged with: masssurveillance

@grin @euronews @fdroidorg
That's why they do collect #PhoneNumbers: as to allow bith #MassSurveillance and #TargetedSurveillance based off #Metadata, and that metadata is being used to murder people, as admitted by the #NSA.

So don't be a fool, m8!

@kkarhan @euronews @fdroidorg You are asking why ServiceA is not ServiceB instead.
Why a centralised service is not decentralised? Why a service chosen phone numbers as external verification doesn't do it differently?
If you dislike Signal, use something else, don't try to tell them to change their service. You may make suggestions, but demands aren't the way it's working.

🇬🇧 Worrying! Internal minutes reveal that numerous EU states want to pass indiscriminate #Chatcontrol #CSAM #MassSurveillance legislation in just two weeks. Protest now!

Sharepic on the question: Which member states want to adopt the chat control, which violates fundamental rights, by the end of September? 
In favour are: Spain, Ireland, Hungary, Latvia, Italy, Lithuania, Romania, France, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Denmark, Croatia, Malta, Slovakia.
Against: Germany, Poland, Netherlands, Austria

"The Danger Of Privacy At All Costs"

People have to make a decision. You can only choose one.

Do you want freedom / human autonomy?

Or do you want pretend safety?

Ben Franklin quote:

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

Thomas Jefferson: "I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery"

#privacy #humanRights #autonomy #massSurveillance #crypto #e2ee #Signal #encryption quote

For the past weeks I've been reading through *all* the feedback to the EU on #chatcontrol (yes, *all* 414 comments).

Unsurprisingly, most of the feedback is opposed to the regulation (~87%, see image).

Some opponents pointed out issues I hadn't even considered, some suggested useful alternatives to this #MassSurveillance regulation.

If you want to know more, I've written a in-depth blog post about this here:

#Chatkontrolle #privacy #VDS
Sankey Diagram showing how many comments are in favor or against the proposal
