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1/2 🚨Today, we’re welcoming in Brussels @signalapp's @Mer__edith, @CommissionerHR @dunja_mijatovic & @epfl's @carmelatroncoso among other experts & policymakers to discuss #encryption & privacy.

We're also pleased to have @cdteurope's Iverna McGowan moderate the discussion 🌟 & to hear from Noémie Levain, Legal Expert at @LaQuadrature, Beatriz Ramalho da Silva, Investigative Journalist at @lhreports & Bart Staszewski LGBTI+ activist, founder and chairman of Basta Fundacja 🤩

Illustration with the three speakers at the "Encryption in the age of surveillance" event. Meredith Whittaker, Carmela Troncoso and Dunja Mijatovic.

2/2 Given the grave consequences for the lives of many, it is crucial that everyone’s privacy is ensured.

⚠️Yet, the CSA Regulation #CSAR could undermine encryption & enable mass surveillance.

Read more in @euronews ⤵️

This entry was edited (11 months ago)
#europeanparliament Given the importance of such a regulation, it's a scandal that no referendum has been made at a European level, to ask European people whether they want it or not. This shows that the #EU is just a oligarchy, despite the mask it wears. I'm happy that my country is not part of it, and I'll always vote against EU "membership" ("subjugation" is a better word).
This entry was edited (11 months ago)

I find this very weird. You blame the EU for creating EU regulations, using EU processes and using EU input?

I can't imagine EU starting a global referendum where the USA, China, Russia, North Korea and Satan knows who would "provide their democratic inputs"…

Seems logical to be a member to change the EU rules, doesn't it?

@grin @euronews In a true democracy, such invasive and drastic regulations are always decided by asking the people (in this case, EU citizens) directly, to make sure it's really what the people ('demo') want. If EU passes such an invasive regulation without asking the citizens directly, then it isn't based on democratic principles.

Not sure why you mention USA, China, and so on.

@pglpm @euronews the post was about consulting with the industrial professional(s), especially with one who's a pioneer of privacy protection.
While general referendum is a good thing the generall masses aren't always knowledgeable about legal and technical details; you're talking about people using Viber and Facebook Messenger.

USA, China was mentioned because they would like to have the opposite the EU is striving for: less privacy, more state control.

This entry was edited (11 months ago)
@pglpm @euronews I'm not sure how many referendum was run in recent times, I believe they are very costly so that may also explain their lack of posting.
I support your point, though, and I suggest you to contact your MEP and look into their eyes and say "people need that". If you need my "meetoo" just ask.
So many bad questions...
1) for identity and absue control
2) non open components
3) it's designed so, you want a different service
4) sounds like a religious question, that country you mean doesn't exist
5) they allow, you just missing parts?
6) because that'd be a different service?
@grin @euronews @fdroidorg thise ain't bad questions, these are fundamental questions and the answers are just bad figleaves...
@kkarhan @euronews @fdroidorg You are asking why ServiceA is not ServiceB instead.
Why a centralised service is not decentralised? Why a service chosen phone numbers as external verification doesn't do it differently?
If you dislike Signal, use something else, don't try to tell them to change their service. You may make suggestions, but demands aren't the way it's working.

@grin @euronews @fdroidorg you miss the point:

#Signal has to convince me - and all other critics - to trust them, not the other way around.

And they certainly refuse to acknowledge said issues or provide transparency for "why"...

And that's always a bad sign!

@kkarhan @euronews @fdroidorg Nobody demands you to trust anyone. Signal in particular does not want you to trust them. People trust them due to their history and work, you are free to ignore that.

@grin @euronews @fdroidorg

What work?

All I see is a huge-ass #honeypot that puts #ANØM to shame and gets #TechIlliterates into a false sense of security like a 10kW floodlight does to moths...

If they were interested in it being #secure, they'd decentralize it so hard that even if one were to put a gun on every single of their staff members at once they could not shut it down.

Like @torproject did from the beginning!

@grin @euronews @fdroidorg
If "just use #Signal" was a working strategy, it would be illegal around the globe and would've gotten hacked like #EncroChat...

Oh wait, #CloudAct means they'll already have to integrate #Govware #Backdoors and #ITAR means they can't "export" secure #cryptography.

@grin @euronews @fdroidorg
That's why they do collect #PhoneNumbers: as to allow bith #MassSurveillance and #TargetedSurveillance based off #Metadata, and that metadata is being used to murder people, as admitted by the #NSA.

So don't be a fool, m8!

@kkarhan @euronews @fdroidorg You are asking why ServiceA is not ServiceB instead.
Why a centralised service is not decentralised? Why a service chosen phone numbers as external verification doesn't do it differently?
If you dislike Signal, use something else, don't try to tell them to change their service. You may make suggestions, but demands aren't the way it's working.

This entry was edited (11 months ago)
@kkarhan @euronews @fdroidorg I respect your conspiration theories, but I think far whatever, be that left of right, is counterproductive.
People know the algorithm, people know the metadata leaks, and (at least professionals) can judge whether to trust the known facts. You may chose to base your opinion on unknown factors and preceivements, that's your choice, but I cannot help you in that.
@grin @euronews @fdroidorg it's not a conspiracy theory, but just some critical questions they and every fanboy refuse to answer honestly, which is only confirming my bias...