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If elected President, I will make all DLC FREE on Steam.
It’s the least I can do to give power to the people. #Democracy #DemocraticSocialism
@alextrain simulator 2019 has 487 optional DLC totalling 5.3K
are you sure you want to do this
@grafWe can’t let them get away with this.
Check out the Sims 4 DLC. Lmao.
@dismay@grafThis is almost as bad as Super Smash Bros.
@alexThis might be a stretch, but how about physical media actually come with the game and not a few MBs for a download link?

And maybe no day one 100Gb patch? Have the game working properly?

This might be even beyond the powers of a president.
@resist_them_nowI will also make Easy Anti Cheat (EAC) illegal under federal law. Gamers rise up. #gamers