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Hey gang! Should we buy TikTok and make it federated?
I heard this in that generic synthesised TikTok voice 😀
I've got… $17. How much does that bring us to total
@mcc we've got a good start! Almost... Lemme see here...
Carry the two... Right around $17 dollars.
I'm sorry Evan but we're going to have to sell your mustache on the black market
@mcc ok well with your $17 and my moustache money that should put us over the top
It would have the same barrier to entry as Mastodon has for a lot of the bird site users. They just want to sign on and post shit HHHHH lovingly created original content. Having to pick some place to sign up, and then signing on there is just too high a barrier for some of them. And that is a blessing in disguise.
Hmmmm, federated cocaine? 🧐

#TikTok and its algos should be a controlled substance 🧠 tightly regulated

(otherwise more bears in all nations will be using it all day and long into the night 🐾 🐾)

#BigTech #Media
#Attention #Hack
#Privacy #Surveillance
Sort of? Something like Peertube could be coerced into serving a similar function, given a mobile client and a clever algorithm.

That algorithm is the main product of TikTok. It's unsettlingly good at catering content to the viewer-- hell, it diagnosed me with ADHD before any doctor did. But I also had to delete the app because I couldn't stop myself from scrolling round the clock.

Occasionally I wonder whether an algorithm like that could have a chance at redemption, if the perverse profit-greedy drive for engagement could be removed, or if that's just an inherent trait of an algorithmic feed.
isn't that pertube?
Who's "we"? I'm not paying for that! I don't even use it!
Maybe if you throw in some fish and chips on the side
This question wasn't a poll? 😛ika:​ 😂​
I bet it's cheaper to make it from scratch 😅
nah we don’t need that crap here 😁
No. Have a TicTac, dude.
Kinda a Coke idea, but if you got several B to drop I wouldn't be against it