Intolerance here around
Sometimes it is shocking how #intolerant people are here on #ActivityPub/#Mastodon.
Last week I was asked to respond to a divisive question and I [was asked to have] described how the intolerant people could interpret something (#lgbtq related) "the other way". I believe it was factual and politely phrased.
The next few hours resulted:
- four or five generic personal attacks, some quite impolite,
- about same amount of labels put on me ranging from nazi to queerphobian,
- 5 reports to my server ranging from "hate speech" through "racism" up to "queerphobia" as a description. (It is definitely telling, since they had so much hate that even failed to notice that I am my own server admin.) 3 of those were anonymous (sent in through a bot account).
All from random, uknown, uninvolved people. None of them understood the post, none of them was even open to understand how the people they fear think, none of them realised that their aggressive stance actually make neutral people stressed and angry and force them into a similarly aggressive defense loop, which results them being hated, in the long run. They've just seen something they didn't like from an unknown person and they didn't move on, didn't ignore it but started actively attacking.
Extremely close minded approach, even if they feel like, I don't know, hunted animals? But they see an attacker in every corner and they start to fight with about everyone not saying exactly what they wanted, even if it's just a quote, a description of a phenomenon or some mention within a discussion.
I am not really angry at them (while I get pretty annoyed when someone writes to me then blocks me, preventing any answer or reaction, but these people want to hear their own voice only), I'm just baffled at their extreme intolerance and short-sightedness, which is exactly the opposite of what they demand from others.
Well, business as usual.
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