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How many #browser #tabs do you have usually open?

Stupid #poll cannot have more than 4 options, so extremities are welcome in comments.

  • 1-10 (40%, 87 votes)
  • 11-49 (30%, 65 votes)
  • 50-199 (20%, 45 votes)
  • 200+ (8%, 19 votes)
216 voters. Poll end: 8 months ago

grin reshared this.

I'm not sure it's even possible to ping people like @evan into the original poll post in a comment?
Or @BathysphereHat @xChaos @fleckenstein

Tab Counter reports: _576_

Anyone over that? πŸ˜†

And I am using **Conex** to separate tabs into containerised tab groups and search.

it is true, however that I am using Auto Tab Discard which saves tab session data and unload tab after a while, and restore all if I click on it. Tabs which require significant setup (like #matrix element) or I need their notifications are exempt from discarding.
On several windows, up to 200 tabs I guess. I've a plug-in to remove duplicates after a while to clean up the mess a little bit.
@evan lets me keep the number low without that feeling that I'm throwing away things I might need later.
This entry was edited (9 months ago)
@dpflug but then you lose session information (state, cookies, form data, …)

I got out of the habit of trusting those back when the browsers were bad about losing them. Never picked it back up.

I will say that spinning up a Dokuwiki and just link dumping in that (with notes) has been really helpful as well.

Tricky. In default spaces probably less than 50. Pinned tabs in groups or spaces (depending on whether I’m in Safari on my iPad or Arc on my desktop) well over a hundred. Pinned tabs in groups/spaces feels like a cross between bookmarks and tabs… πŸ€”
Usually less than 10, but sometimes up to 25
I have over 4000+ on my phone, I have never closed any tab since I got it 4 years ago
Okay, that's the next level of mad. πŸ˜‰
In fact even storing the URLs and state required plenty of memory which mobile devices aren't very rich of, but hats off anyway.

I am not known for being normal ;)

But yeah, the browser lags alot. I do have 12GB of ram to play with πŸ˜›

That seems pretty linear. 😁
It is damned hard to do it right with maximum four options. After posting I was pondering to re-start it with correct log scale, but, meh.