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Once in a while, this guy puts out a banger of a video. Of course, I don't really have 30 minutes, so I did my thing and then rewound when he said was saying something interesting.

Overall though, suggestions are pretty thin.

I remember someone in the U.S. (Gen. Milley perhaps) absolutely racked on the coals in Fedi/TwiX for saying that Ukraine needs to do what Germans did in 1944. But that's the only choice to prevent a full surrender in 2025. The video literally suggests 1944: assume a defensive posture, trade ground for advantage, save men, wait for Putin to burn out. Oh, and make fewer mistakes.

Remember the "Ukraine does need to free all territory to win over Putin" zinger? Same thing: it's the only path to victory. Entente won over Germans in 1918 before their territory was freed.

#ukraine #war

Or to look at it like this

Unfortunately for the Ukraine, they were made to expend all their men already, and have nothing left. This tactic could have a much better chance if started in 2022.
I went through some expectation phases on this
In February, it looked like Ukraine could just crumble in 2 weeks
Then, for 2 whole years minus 2 weeks, I expected that they'll wear Russia down. By my calculation, Russia can only muster 1.4 million total before they draft too much and the economy collapses completely.
Ukraine can easily do 3 million, because they don't need their economy fully running. Europeans and Americans will toil under the whip of their globohomo government and supply Ukrain with anything from shoes and rations to tanks and missiles. Ukraine only needs to go to the front and kill Russians.
That's what I expected
The reality was that their combat losses were 5 times (FIVE FUCKING TIMES) greater than Russian! They lost 500,000 to 100,000 Russians.
For this ratio to balance, they need to mobilize 1.4*5 = 7 million!!
This really took me by surprise

where the FUCK did you get those numbers from, even the dec 2023 numbers from the kremlin itself are much lower for ukr casualties, wounded included