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Items tagged with: ScienceFiction

From Solarpunk to Fedipunk - the Fediverse needs its own transformative narrative!

#fediverse #fedipunk #literatur #sciencefiction #art #solarpunk

Sokuba's experienced crew was fired by its new owner to be replaced by a cheaper one of dubious provenance. The only survivor related scenes of panic, hate and violence soon after departure. Many perished in there, while others jumped into the cold space.

#SciFi #SciFiart #SpaceShip #ScienceFiction #SpaceFiction #MastoArt
A spaceship departing a planet.

New to mastodon. Looking for #scifi and #sciencefiction fans to talk to. 😀

A question was asked on a French-speaking Discord server I'm on: Is there any #ScienceFiction work that specifically explores in details fictional alternative economic systems?

Pulp book cover reimaginings of the original Star Wars trilogy

It is an inaccuracy to say that Star Wars is science fiction. Its true genre is Planetary Romance. Star Wars is an adventure story in the style of Edgar Rice Burroughs A Princess of Mars, Michael Moorcock's Michael Kane of Old Mars, C.S. Lewis's Space Trilogy or—quite self-consciously—Flash Gordon. A farmboy stumbles across secret information that leads him to rescue a princess, aided by his two servants, his wizard mentor, a pirate and a friendly giant.

I instantly fell in love with these imaginary book covers by Timothy Anderson, which to me perfectly capture the feel and intention of the original Star Wars film.

(Artwork lifted from this blog post).

#starwars #scifi #sciencefiction #planetary #romance #pastiche #pulp #pulpfiction #book #story #art #timothyanderson

Pulp book cover reimaginings of the original Star Wars trilogy

It is an inaccuracy to say that Star Wars is science fiction. Its true genre is Planetary Romance. Star Wars is an adventure story in the style of Edgar Rice Burroughs A Princess of Mars, Michael Moorcock's Michael Kane of Old Mars, C.S. Lewis's Space Trilogy or—quite self-consciously—Flash Gordon. A farmboy stumbles across secret information that leads him to rescue a princess, aided by his two servants, his wizard mentor, a pirate and a friendly giant.

I instantly fell in love with these imaginary book covers by Timothy Anderson, which to me perfectly capture the feel and intention of the original Star Wars film.

(Artwork lifted from this blog post).

#starwars #scifi #sciencefiction #planetary #romance #pastiche #pulp #pulpfiction #book #story #art #timothyanderson

Okay, so apparently, a large number of issues of GALAXY magazine are now available online for free.

Some younger folks may not be familiar with GALAXY, but in its day it was one the most important publications in science fiction and fantasy. The available issues include hundreds of stories by great classic SF&F authors.

For free. 😍

Just thought people would like to know.

#scifi #sf #sff #horror #fantasy #sciencefiction #writing #anime

Nichelle Nichols who would have celebrated her 90th birthday on the 28th. RIP #startrek #uhura #sciencefiction #blackjoy #blackmastodon #blackfriday
Black and white photo of Nichelle Nichols as lieutenant Uhura in Star Trek.

Noch mehr Skizzen von dunklen November 2020. Vielleicht erhellen sie den dunklen November '22 ein wenig.

More sketches from the dark days in November 2020. Maybe they will brighten up the dark November '22 a little.

#art #sketches #SeltsamerTag #ScienceFiction
Weiblicher Roboter landet nach Sprung auf dem Boden, im Hintergrund eine Metallwand mit Bullauge, durch das ein verliebter Roboter schaut.

Female robot lands on the ground after jumping, in the background a metal wall with a porthole through which a robot in love looks at her. Auf einem fremden Planeten. Im Hintergrund das gelandete Raumschiff "Orion", im Vordergrund zwei Astronauten, die eine abgestürztes Alien-Wrack begutachten. Sprechblasentext: "Das ist aber kein Frog-Schiff, Atan!"

On an alien planet. In the background the landed spaceship "Orion", in the foreground two astronauts examining a crashed alien wreck. Speech bubble text: "That's not a Frog ship, Atan!"
Roboter steht vor einem Toreingang und einer Treppe, die ins dunkle nach unten führt. In seinen Händen hält er einen gefüllten Sack. Er schaut fragend.

Robot stands in front of a gate entrance and a staircase that leads down into the dark. In his hands he holds a full sack. He looks questioning. Roboter zieht einen Anti-Grav-Hebewagen hinter sich her. Er bewegt sich dabei auf einer kristallinen, glatten Oberfläche, im Hintergrund Weltraum, ein Mond oder Planet, hinter dem die Sonne aufgeht.

Robot pulls an anti-grav lift truck behind it. He moves on a crystalline, smooth surface, in the background space, a moon or planet, behind which the sun is rising.

An updated list of my current interests:

#VideoGames - currently playing Outriders, big fan of Mass Effect, hoping for a third Ori game.

#ScienceFiction - some favorites are "Star Maker" by Olaf Stapledon, "The Birthday of the World" by Ursula LeGuin, "The Commonwealth Saga" by Peter F Hamilton.

#consciousness - I'm currently exploring the idea that consciousness begets matter in my upcoming book series "The Psychonaut Chronicles"

#PopCulture - it's the High Art of humanity, change my mind.

If you know anything about the #Foundation series by Isaac #Asimov, do not interact with the Foundation #ScienceFiction TV show created for Apple TV+ in 2021. I repeat, do not interact, you are risking significant mental damage.

You have been warned.

"Aelita, Queen of Mars - 1924"

#1920s #Cinema #Movies #ScienceFiction #digitalArt #Art


The Spire of FET

Right now I create at leat one digital painting a day. Before February is over I will have more than 400 artworks on my website ( Sometimes I wonder what the fuck I am doing, and how I can benefit myself (beyond the sheer joy of sharing :) I don't know to be honest, and right now I just work like a madman to trip out and get away.

Yesterevening I made this one which is the last part of a small series of science fiction paintings that could easily be found on sci-fi paperbacks from the eighties and ahead. It is called: “The Spire of FET”. I sure got to use the line tool in Krita.

Use the tag #katharsisdrill to see the other artworks I have posted on this profile recently.

You can see and download the original here.

#art #mywork #krita #Katharsisdrill #fantasy #Sciencefiction #paperback

Hello Fediverse,

Would you, or someone you know, #translate a #ScienceFiction story of 5500 words from #French to #English for €500 (about €0.09/word) ?

If so:

I'm good enough to write in plain English, but my main character uses a mix of slang and inventive idioms which baffles me as far as translating it goes.

I will expect questions during the translation process and will provide all answers needed, but be warned: I will probably retaliate with questions of my own. :)

Thanks in advance!