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Items tagged with: English

The English language is a wonderful thing, and we know some rules without knowing we know them.

‘Have you ever heard that patter-pitter of tiny feet? Or the dong-ding of a bell? Or hop-hip music? That’s because, when you repeat a word with a different vowel, the order is always I A O. Bish bash bosh. So politicians may flip-flop, but they can never flop-flip. It’s tit-for-tat, never tat-for-tit. This is called ablaut reduplication, and if you do things any other way, they sound very, very odd indeed.’ From ‘The Elements of Eloquence’ by Mark Forsyth.

#English #language

Brief #Introduction, since it seems to be the etiquette around here. Hi! I'm Mel, a PGR at QMUL researching abortion policy implementation in subnational Argentina, through lenses of various geographies, #policy and subnational studies, and literature on #feminist #activism. Expect toots both in #Spanish and #English. Alongside #academicchatter, expect pictures and commentary on #popculture, #cats, #nature and #food, as needed.

as a non-native #English speaker I mix up everything a lot. Sorry for that (in the name of those about 1–1.5 billion people who're in the same position).

What I mean is... don't worry about it. 🙂

Based on the screen shots and little English in your comment @Paula Gentle on Friendica I suspect this observation is a different issue based on a User account that can be easily viewed by anyone on the 'verse being updated via the contents of a Feed, rather than a "contact" of a user being an RSS feed that is more-or-less only viewable by the Friendica user that subscribed to the feed.

As an #american I don't know any other languague than #English since our #publicSschool system believes that doing so would show weakness to the world economy.

Help my mum get something out of the #fediverse

My mum uses Facebook currently because there's a few groups on it that she likes.

I'm no longer on it, and she's joined the #fediverse (on my instance) but I'm struggling to find replacement groups.

So, does anyone know any good #fedi #groups/instances focused on #gardening, #mushroom / #fungi identification, #wildlife in general, wildlife in the UK, etc.?

Please don't @ her (she doesn't yet fully understand how this stuff works, and isn't looking for people to contact her out of the blue). Hence why I'm looking for groups or instances that I can point her at the local timelines of. Then she can control her own interactions with them.

She's fluent in #German and #English.

But please do @ me with any info.

Boosts appreciated.

Hale & Pace - Peace to All Nations

Hale & Pace S01E01.

Tonight episode is based on a special theme. Theme of World Peace!
Peace to All Nations!
May the dove of peace fly around this world bringing harmony and understanding to all nations.
Peace to all nations!
…except Russia.

Hello Fediverse,

Would you, or someone you know, #translate a #ScienceFiction story of 5500 words from #French to #English for €500 (about €0.09/word) ?

If so:

I'm good enough to write in plain English, but my main character uses a mix of slang and inventive idioms which baffles me as far as translating it goes.

I will expect questions during the translation process and will provide all answers needed, but be warned: I will probably retaliate with questions of my own. :)

Thanks in advance!

I'll be brutally honest with you: I have _learned_ #English. I know. Shame. 🎒
Anyway. I've been taught of grammar, including #pronoun's. Not me, not even any teachers I know is aware of the existence of "#they" (apart the ones I've informed about it).
That's what I meant. He is taught, She is as well, and the most obviously logical way is to list them all (like "he, she or it" when you don't know even that). I usually use s/he, since I'm a lazy geek, and that form is ancient.