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Items tagged with: feminist

Brief #Introduction, since it seems to be the etiquette around here. Hi! I'm Mel, a PGR at QMUL researching abortion policy implementation in subnational Argentina, through lenses of various geographies, #policy and subnational studies, and literature on #feminist #activism. Expect toots both in #Spanish and #English. Alongside #academicchatter, expect pictures and commentary on #popculture, #cats, #nature and #food, as needed.

Content warning: "implied nudity" of female nipples in photos cut off under the collarbone

I'm positing starting a new #podcast with my friend who is a nerdy gamer like me, as well as a #feminist black man. We would talk about #progressive issues, #lgbtq, #transgender rights, #sexwork decriminalization etc, maybe react to recent news pieces, as well as talk about nerdy stuff as well, our favorite video games, etc.

Would any of you be interested in listening to something like that? What would your target episode length be? and what kinda naming ideas do you have for what we could call it? 😛

Content warning: Facebook banning

So, after 15+ years of being the sole creator (script-writer, host, interviewer, filmer, video editor, social media promoter, fan/hatemail reader, livestreamer, sponsor-outreach-er, etc etc etc) behind the entirety of my #feminist #freeTheNipple and other-#progressive-issues focused #activism channel #toplessTopics, I've decided this year I'm going to do whatever it takes to start hiring help--namely a #videoEditor to start with, to take the rambly bits and "ums" out of my vlogs, nothing fancy.

You're not a real #feminist if you don't support #transrights
Sorry, I don't make the rules

And if Biden wasn't unpopular enough, he invited a Troon to the White House to help celebrate "Lesbian Invisibility Day"

Biden's idea of a "Lesbian" is biological male and lunatic Charlotte Clymer, Transgender Activist, Military Veteran, and Board Member and Richard "Rachel" Levine Assistant Secretary for Health.

The first time ever the majority of individual present at a "Lesbian" event had penises. Way to go Joe. Just as
"Any Blue will Do" any dick will do to represent Lesbians.

#LesbiansDontHavePenises #TeamTERF #TransDelusion #OccupyWoman #GenderCritical #SexNotGender #GenderWoo #GenderAtheist #EndGenderExtremism #GenderIsntReal #Feminism #Feminist #PornCulture
#PeakTrans #TransCult #DropTheT #GenderAtheist #SexNotGender #LGBAlliance #WomenDeserveAVoice #StopGenderTotalitarianism #cults #skeptic #freespeech #WomenDontHavePenises #GetTheLOut #KeepWomensPrisonsSingleSex