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Items tagged with: progressive

Day 14 of #100DaysOfRust

First of all, I didn't make as much progress today as I would like, but that's normal and shouldn't be criticized, because learning is progressing.

Before, I had only learned basics and code was generally short. Now I'm in the middle of learning a similar example, but it's a whole program. This is fun and shows me how the code methods are connected together πŸ¦€

#100daysofcode #learning #learn #code #rust #rustlang #fun #progressive

I'm positing starting a new #podcast with my friend who is a nerdy gamer like me, as well as a #feminist black man. We would talk about #progressive issues, #lgbtq, #transgender rights, #sexwork decriminalization etc, maybe react to recent news pieces, as well as talk about nerdy stuff as well, our favorite video games, etc.

Would any of you be interested in listening to something like that? What would your target episode length be? and what kinda naming ideas do you have for what we could call it? πŸ˜›

So, after 15+ years of being the sole creator (script-writer, host, interviewer, filmer, video editor, social media promoter, fan/hatemail reader, livestreamer, sponsor-outreach-er, etc etc etc) behind the entirety of my #feminist #freeTheNipple and other-#progressive-issues focused #activism channel #toplessTopics, I've decided this year I'm going to do whatever it takes to start hiring help--namely a #videoEditor to start with, to take the rambly bits and "ums" out of my vlogs, nothing fancy.

Yes, but/and I also think we have to beware of what I call β€œtopological determinism.” #Decentralized & #distributed architectures don’t necessarily, invariably or even all that frequently drive #progressive political commitments. They have other effects, and those effects may well be desirable, but just as we can’t automate the achievement of justice, we can’t design a #network #topology that in and of itself manifests the revolution.

By way of #introductions: I am 57-year-old Australian father living in #Berlin.

I have a doctorate in psychology, and have worked both inside and outside academia over the last 20 years (in Los Angeles, Boson, London, Berlin).

Nowadays, I am mostly involved in looking after my two childrenβ€”Lucy 7.5, and Valentin 1.7.

I am interested in #green #progressive #politics, #science, #technology, #books (#scifi #non-fiction), #photography.

I look forward to meeting some like-minded people here.

I moved instances, so I'm reposting my #introduction.

I enjoy #coffee #tea #reading #sff #history #cooking #singing.

I'm #queer #gay #lgbtq #iconoclast. I #create #software.

I have a weekly #newsletter with stuff I've enjoyed over the preceding week and how it relates to engendering #empathy and social resilience.

My #politics tend to be #progressive #centrist: I want the world to be a better place for everyone while maximizing agency for everyone. I'm sympathetic to #EffectiveAltruism.
