Content warning: "implied nudity" of female nipples in photos cut off under the collarbone
haha, #patreon #bans photos of topleesh women that cut off at the shoulders as " implied newdeetay" when you know they would never do such thing for a picture of "male looking neepels" even if they showed all the way down to the waist. Once again I ask these fascist #sexist #misogynist #patriarchy-controlled anti-#feminist pro-#censorship #socialMedia platforms: do you think female neepels simply stop existing when we put a shirt on? How tf is a photo that cuts off at the shoulders "implied newdeetay" but a teeny weeny bikini doesn't? Make it make sense 🙃
Xantulon :mastodon: :pixelfed:
•Content warning: "implied nudity" of female nipples in photos cut off under the collarbone