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Items tagged with: gardening

Content warning: clothed eye contact, discussing topless sexism

New plants for the garden! 😍 🌱 🐈
#caturday #gardening
A photo of outside o my home with a big line up of many plants in pots on the pavement: herbs, vegetable, flowers. In foreground on the grass my cat.

The latest Mastodon update lets you follow hashtags. When you follow, posts with a tag appear in your timeline automatically.

Try following #Gardening to make posts about gardening appear in your timeline.

This can be REALLY useful for discovering interesting accounts.

To follow a hashtag:
1. Log in through your server's website
2. Search for hashtag
3. Click it to see its results
4. Click on πŸ‘€+ icon in top right (click again to unfollow)

Posts from followed tags are visible in the apps too.
Screenshot of search results for the hashtag florespondence, with the hashtag follow icon highlighted in the top right corner of the screen.

Help my mum get something out of the #fediverse

My mum uses Facebook currently because there's a few groups on it that she likes.

I'm no longer on it, and she's joined the #fediverse (on my instance) but I'm struggling to find replacement groups.

So, does anyone know any good #fedi #groups/instances focused on #gardening, #mushroom / #fungi identification, #wildlife in general, wildlife in the UK, etc.?

Please don't @ her (she doesn't yet fully understand how this stuff works, and isn't looking for people to contact her out of the blue). Hence why I'm looking for groups or instances that I can point her at the local timelines of. Then she can control her own interactions with them.

She's fluent in #German and #English.

But please do @ me with any info.

Boosts appreciated.
