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Items tagged with: mushroom

Schon immer frage ich mich, was ein "zerfrettelter Grunzwanzling" sein könnte. Heute wurde ich fündig.

Foto eines hellbraunen Pilzes. Der Pilz steht zwischen Moos, Gras und Kleeblättern. Er hat einen schmalen Stiel und einen runden Hut mit ausgefranstem Rand.

#Pilz #Mushroom #PerAnhalterdurchdieGalaxis

Help my mum get something out of the #fediverse

My mum uses Facebook currently because there's a few groups on it that she likes.

I'm no longer on it, and she's joined the #fediverse (on my instance) but I'm struggling to find replacement groups.

So, does anyone know any good #fedi #groups/instances focused on #gardening, #mushroom / #fungi identification, #wildlife in general, wildlife in the UK, etc.?

Please don't @ her (she doesn't yet fully understand how this stuff works, and isn't looking for people to contact her out of the blue). Hence why I'm looking for groups or instances that I can point her at the local timelines of. Then she can control her own interactions with them.

She's fluent in #German and #English.

But please do @ me with any info.

Boosts appreciated.

Two ants doing ant stuff on top of what is perhaps the best-tasting wil mushroom you can eat: Chicken of the woods. I actually found some at a park near my house a couple of months ago. These ants know what's good.



#ants #photo #CoW #mushroom