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Items tagged with: fedi

Our Frienica instance got updated to the latest stable and all of our custom themes were updated and we added 2 more: Brown and Grey.

Go to Settings - Display to test them out.

They will be shared with the Friendica's developers if they want to include them in the default Friendica's themes or get some ideas about future changes.

Big thanks to these people who create Friendica for being so awesome and for keeping Friendica so useful and feature-rich!

#friendica #foss #activitipub #fediverse #fedi

We provide Mastodon/Peertube/Nextcloud/Friendica and more, as a service. For a cost. Just order and have your own instance, no headaches.

I always do trade-free stuff, but since I am trapped in this trade-system and I do not get enough financial support via the projects that I do, I have to also trade a bit.

WebApe is what I do to trade. Basically we create websites, install Mastodon/Friendica instances, Peertube, Nextcloud, etc.. We setup, manage, update, customize.

We try to do something decent and make some money with that, to then support our free projects.

So if you want a Mastodon instance for example, or any other website/service, please see I have lowered the prices now, so a Mastodon instance starts at 30 Euros per month.

We will take a limited amount of websites so to not overwhelm ourselves.

Please share if you think others might be interested. In a way, we can make the fediverse more known and accessible via the WebServices that we provide.

#foss #opensource #fedi #fediverse #mastodon

We need a very long, compound German word for the feeling here on the #Fedi of missing a particular account from previous-decade social media enclosures.

You wish they moved over, and miss them dearly, but deep inside you know it's not going to happen.
A photograph of Kermit the Frog staring out of the window. The window has been drenched by the rain. Kermit appears to be smiling, but there's something very melancholic about the smile.

A little exprriment... I wanna see how far this post can go & how many people are on what software. Repost for exposure pls ​:boost_requested:​​:boostsOK:

  • Mastodon (3885 votes)
  • Misskey (210 votes)
  • Calckey (372 votes)
  • Foundkey (69 votes)
  • Pleroma (224 votes)
  • Akkoma (181 votes)
  • Pixelfed (485 votes)
  • Other (428 votes)
Poll end: never

Hej #fedi, moja przyjaciółka zmaga się obecnie z pracą magisterską i brakuje jej osób do badania ankietowego. Czy bylibyście tacy mili i poświęcili 10 minut na jej wypełnienie? :QueerCat:

TW: obraz ciała, akceptacja ciała

Link do badania:

Boosty mile widziane :QueerCat:

#MastoAdmin we want to work with y'all on getting mastodon ready for #blanketcon, a #minecraft modding event where modders and players get together to discuss mods and the communities around them. we're trying to make an advanced #fedi integration mod for blanketcon, but we need instance support for it. would anyone be open to the idea?

we really want to improve cross-instance and cross-app interactions. this could be the start of something huge!


#Moderowanie zawsze było i raczej będzie potrzebne; bez względu na to czy dotyczy for internetowych w starym stylu czy mediów społecznościowych #fediversum.

Jest różnica między moderowaniem niedopuszczalnych wpisów indywidualnych użytkowników a arbitralnym defederowaniem całych instancji ze względu na rzeczywiste bądź wyobrażone przekroczenie rozmaicie interpretowanej netykiety.

W obu jednak przypadkach powinna istnieć jasno określona „droga odwoławcza”.

Jestem na #fedi raczej nowicjuszem, więc korzystam z okazji i kieruję pytanie do bardziej doświadczonych: jaka na #fediwersum jest droga odwoławcza w celu ponownego przyłączenia odseparowanej instancji do reszty?

As the fediverse grows it becomes more difficult for new #fedi projects to get the attention they deserve.

That's why we started and, as well as use our following to boost and bring attention to new projects (DM us).

We feel obligated to do this because we know how hard it is for new projects and established developer egos.

We're all in this together, let's support each other ❤️

“What if we’re making the wrong assumptions about our social networks? What if we’re focusing on breadth, when we really should be focusing on depth?” (@evan, paraphrased)

Something that has me transfixed with the #fedi right now is that I don't think I've even seen such deep debate of the social and ethical implications of software anywhere in social media before. Not at this pace, anyway. Any technical "feature" has moral implications, every political decision is looking for a technical implementation. And the ground keeps shifting under our feet.

Here's @cwebber on #OcapPub: "OcapPub: Towards networks of consent"

wish i could like add personal notes to people's accounts

so i could write like
"strike 1"
"a completely retarded ass nigger faggot"
"pedophile (maybe)"
so the next time an interaction happens ill know before hand and i dont have to scour my eyes through to find out the precise context of someone's post

fedi devs take note #fedi

Help my mum get something out of the #fediverse

My mum uses Facebook currently because there's a few groups on it that she likes.

I'm no longer on it, and she's joined the #fediverse (on my instance) but I'm struggling to find replacement groups.

So, does anyone know any good #fedi #groups/instances focused on #gardening, #mushroom / #fungi identification, #wildlife in general, wildlife in the UK, etc.?

Please don't @ her (she doesn't yet fully understand how this stuff works, and isn't looking for people to contact her out of the blue). Hence why I'm looking for groups or instances that I can point her at the local timelines of. Then she can control her own interactions with them.

She's fluent in #German and #English.

But please do @ me with any info.

Boosts appreciated.

Thanks @Tobias I was wondering earlier if I could create my own Friendica forums to handle communication like we used to do in Facebook Groups, but for the life of me I couldn't figure out how to do that. @FediTips claimed that Mobilizon was the #fedi equivelant of Facebook Groups, but it sure seemed more like MeetUp. The Groups there I could invite folks to, but even inviting my alts I never actually saw the inivte anywhere.