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Also, the last post I received from diaspora is 2 days old. This seems kaputt as well.
The RSS feed is working. I readded one of my feeds and it is working again. It was just all my RSS contacts were removed for some reason.
Checked out an earlier commit. Diaspora is working again. The emergency fix has damaged it for me. 😀

HEAD is now at 06698cc5f Test?
I noticed earlier today I went from like 180 contact to 108. Didn't realize at the time it was all my RSS Feeds
@Steffen K9 🐰 Do you mean under /contact?nets=feed ? With latest develop code, I have my RSS contacts there.
I didn't try the URL directly. I don't have any RSS posts in my stream anymore. When I go to the contacts page and search for any known RSS contact I get no search result. And in the protocol widget the 'RSS/Atom' entry is gone - just like there is no RSS contact.
Checked it now. No contacts anymore...
@Steffen K9 🐰 I don't know much about the internals of Friendica. Maybe @Michael Vogel can tell you more which SQL statement you have to run. Here I definitely have the widget and items from feeds and contacts. 😀
Is there a list or something, where I can see, what feeds I had subscribed before?
I have lost more than 300 contacts. 😱
This entry was edited (2 years ago) man, I was upset about 80, most of which are custom Google News Alerts and Kill-the-newsletter email to RSS. I did save some of the later in my LastPass so I guess that's something. Good luck to you. Hopefully the bug is just not showing them in the UI and not that it deleted them from the DB
I'm guessing unless you backed up your account regularly the answer is "not really" though your admin may have a database archieve somewhere, but not sure what the best thing to do is. I added a few RSS Feeds last night, they were added, but didn't populate with any content. This morning the content is there though
Question is are the contacts lost (deleted from database) or are they only not used/displayed.
The second case would bring them back when the code is eventually fixed. The first case... Well... I would need to export them somehow from a database backup. 😔
@Steffen K9 🐰 Can you please run the following query:
SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS `network`, COUNT(`id`) AS `total`
FROM `contact`
GROUP BY `network`

Which gives me:
network	total
apub	353498
dfrn	15168
dspr	36215
feed	4633
mail	1
stat	637
twit	1348
unkn	6
zot!	1243
This entry was edited (2 years ago)
@Steffen K9 🐰 I have checked all unkn here (you should, too) and found out that one is an RSS/ATOM feed ( isn't detected as feed), an actual website (no federating instance), a parked domain and some unreachable websites.
| network | total  |
|         |     51 |
| apub    | 803024 |
| dfrn    |  27827 |
| dspr    |  67553 |
| feed    |    666 |
| mail    |     25 |
| pump    |    143 |
| stac    |      1 |
| stat    |   2148 |
| twit    | 951943 |
| unkn    |      1 |
| zot!    |   1862 |

So, yeah. Feed contacts are still there. But these feed contacts have UID=0.. I'm still puzzled how the relationship to the actual users is made.
@Steffen K9 🐰 Yes, same here. uid=0 and rel=2 for all of them. So we can exclude that they are deleted, just not shown for some reason. A few here have uid=1 because I created them for my account. Can you check SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `network`='feed' AND `uid` != 0? Also is the column deleted=0 or something else? I guess you should NOT touch that value and change it to 0. @Michael Vogel@Hypolite Petovan How can we fix this?
Does this mean users have more subscriptions to twitter then anything else?
Something has been deleted from the database. 🙁 I have imported an old backup from 11 days ago.

I ran this query on both DBs:
select uid, protocol from `user-contact` where protocol = 'feed';

Current DB:
Only 18 rows! All are lately added - after users noticed that the feed contacts are gone.

Backup DB:
949 rows!
The same with the contact table...
... WHERE `network`='feed' AND `uid` != 0;

Current: 16
Backupr: 1301
I still don't see my rss feeds after you loaded the old database
The backup database is not used by I have imported the backup just for testing and investigating the problem.
@Steffen K9 🐰@Ji Fu What I wanted to find out is that you have at least contacts with network=feed. So that error source is ruled out, having no RSS feed registered at all. The only one that is strange is the mass-unasignment where I have no idea about.
Looks like a nothing to me
Ist der Quellkontakt noch da. Bei mir sind die weg, so dass die Bots nichts mehr ausliefern können.
Ich bin noch nicht dazu gekommen, das Backup so weit zu untersuchen, ob ich die Kontakte reparieren oder re-importieren kann. Es scheint so zu sein, dass die noch existieren, aber die Verbindung zur User ID verloren haben.
@Steffen K9 🐰
Bei dem einen Bot ('Nordstadt-Blogger') aus dem Beispiel war der Kontakt tatsächlich verschwunden.

Ich habe ihn wie hier beschrieben erneut hinzugefügt:

Leider werden die fehlenden Posts seit dem nicht automatisch erneut import/exportiert. Ob das was geholfen hat, werden wir demnach wohl erst beim nächsten Beitrag in dem Blog sehen.
@Steffen K9 🐰
Doch, werden doch auch nachträglich importiert:
3 days ago (Received 2 minutes ago) from Feed •

OK - was heißt das jetzt für die anderen x Bots? Bei meinen 5 macht es mir nichts aus, die Feeds neu einzugeben. Aber was ist mit den anderen Usern, die hier möglicherweise gar nicht mitlesen?
@Steffen K9 🐰
Habe soeben meine anderen Bots manuell nachgepflegt.
Jetzt wird das Fediverse wieder mit den wichtigsten Meldungen via #RSS versorgt - wir sind also wieder auf dem Weg zur #Weltherrschaft.
Based on the screen shots and little English in your comment @Paula Gentle on Friendica I suspect this observation is a different issue based on a User account that can be easily viewed by anyone on the 'verse being updated via the contents of a Feed, rather than a "contact" of a user being an RSS feed that is more-or-less only viewable by the Friendica user that subscribed to the feed.

As an #american I don't know any other languague than #English since our #publicSschool system believes that doing so would show weakness to the world economy.
This entry was edited (2 years ago)
What I can do for users with lost RSS contacts: I can export them from a DB backup and create a CSV file with the URLs. This can be imported by the user via the import function in the user settings page.
This is a lot of work. 😬 So, when you force me to do that I will do my best. ☺️
In my opinion we already force you to do way too much work for free