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Items tagged with: french

Bonjour tout le monde, je suis #nouveauici. Mes centres d'intérêt sont #art, #chat, #faune, #flore, #french, #humour, #nature et #voyage.

Bonjour tout le monde, je suis #nouvelleici. Mes centres d'intérêt sont #amis, #animaux, #corsedusud, #french et #riredetout.

Do you use #Duolingo to learn #languages ?? If so, what language(s)?

Or, do you use something else? If so, what do you use?

Please BOOST. Thanks. 🙂
#language #French #Spanish

  • Yes (62%, 55 votes)
  • No (26%, 23 votes)
  • Other (11%, 10 votes)
88 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago

Learn #French with me!

échafaudage: scaffold
échafaud: guillotine

Follow me for more French tips!

I'm late to the #introductions, but here it goes. I'm 30, she/her, from #Germany. I work as a environmental scientist at a university, pursuing a PhD degree. I need some #python #programming skills to do that.
I'm fairly into #crafts, especially #fiberarts like #knitting and #sewing.
I enjoy #boardgames a lot, I also started playing #shadowrun about a year ago.
#games like #citiesskylines or #civilization5 have quite a few hours on my steam account.
Plus: Trying to improve my #french ;)

Hey, anyone in Canada or the UK want to do some paid #translation #work, English to #French? It wouldn't be much, maybe some 3-5 hours of work per month, technical translation of #GreenhouseGas and #sustainability terminology.

The size of the task per month could vary and you would bill for your time, not per word or page.

Hello Fediverse,

Would you, or someone you know, #translate a #ScienceFiction story of 5500 words from #French to #English for €500 (about €0.09/word) ?

If so:

I'm good enough to write in plain English, but my main character uses a mix of slang and inventive idioms which baffles me as far as translating it goes.

I will expect questions during the translation process and will provide all answers needed, but be warned: I will probably retaliate with questions of my own. :)

Thanks in advance!