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Happy #BlackHistoryMonth !

I still haven't made it to Black history. I'm close! But I'm still on white US history. It's everywhere!

Q: Why does it seem like Black folk don't contribute much to society or science or history? Most inventions are from Europeans? Why does it seem this way? Don't cancel me!

A: Racism. The lie of white supremacy requires that we pretend that white men are the only people that ever invented anything or contributed to society.


See I made this meme.

In panel one character a hands and object to character B while saying I made this. Character B asks you made this?

In panel 2 character B stares at the object.

In panel 3, character B now says I made this, taking credit for the object that was created.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
This lie of white supremacy is pervasive.
Ten(ish) years ago, I was dating a man from Kenya, and he showed me some of his old Kenyan textbooks that showed how he was tested with questions like "Who discovered Lake Victoria? Who was the first to find Mount Kenya?" The answer was always some white, British slaveowner despite the fact that people have been living there forever.
The Kenyans didn't count in KENYAN TEXTBOOKS due to the shadow of British colonialism.