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@Wyatt H Knott "A writer on the Internet exploits the work of uncredited artists to raise their own social media profile through a computer-generated pixel soup vaguely resembling something until you try to focus on any detail."

Extremely dystopic indeed. Just not sci-fi.

I have learned a lot about AI generated images from following this account and writing responses. Sometimes responses are essentially a critique of the image. Sometimes an interesting scenario is inspired that goes far beyond the image. I agree that AI is threatening the jobs of writers and artists. However, I don't consider this particular use to be harmful. This is using AI to initiate a human creative response, while also serving to illustrate the limitations of AI.
1. No AI company earns any income from these images or their generation. I use a free image generator and don't even look at ads.
2. Humans have already "stolen" some of these images, offering them on free wallpaper sites where they make money from ads-so a human HAS made income from these images (though it's not me.)
3. Were it not for AI image generation this creative project would not exist - no human artists are being robbed of the opportunity to create images or income.
I agree, but point 2 indicates that even so, the enterprise is fraught with peril. We exist in the context of a number of unprecedented developments, but AI is not going away. We can't ignore it. We can't even sense the entire danger unless we explore it.
@Guitarsophist This is bullshit, I know the danger of psychoactive drugs even without personally exploring them. AI isn't a magical frontier you can grab your backpack and somehow explore without any care in the world. It is a product commercial companies have been spending billions of US dollars to bring about and maintain while feeding it any input they can lay their hands on, credit or licensing be damned. This intellectual property violation has been perpetrated at a scale never before known, all the while hiding behind the thin veil of the misnomer "artificial intelligence" and guzzling vast amounts of power and water through the very real dumb datacenters it's operating from.
This entry was edited (11 months ago)
@Wyatt H Knott 1. This isn't my point, if you were buying or selling them it would be doubly egregious, but you aren't.
2. Some people are worse, so your own behavior is somehow OK in comparison?
3. This creative project doesn't deserve to exist. The reason I'm not running such a project is because I can't draw myself. Find something else you can do without relying on AI which is the antithesis of anarchosocialism you claim to adhere to.