Time for the all-new #VisualWritingPrompt for October 15th, 2023
Write a single toot reply #SciFi story about this image.
#WritingCommunity #WritingPrompt #SFF #freewrite #MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStory #SmallStories #FlashFiction #mastoArt #illustration #art #game
Hypolite Petovan
•@Wyatt H Knott "A writer on the Internet exploits the work of uncredited artists to raise their own social media profile through a computer-generated pixel soup vaguely resembling something until you try to focus on any detail."
Extremely dystopic indeed. Just not sci-fi.
•Wyatt H Knott
•2. Humans have already "stolen" some of these images, offering them on free wallpaper sites where they make money from ads-so a human HAS made income from these images (though it's not me.)
3. Were it not for AI image generation this creative project would not exist - no human artists are being robbed of the opportunity to create images or income.
•Hypolite Petovan
•Hypolite Petovan
•2. Some people are worse, so your own behavior is somehow OK in comparison?
3. This creative project doesn't deserve to exist. The reason I'm not running such a project is because I can't draw myself. Find something else you can do without relying on AI which is the antithesis of anarchosocialism you claim to adhere to.