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Items tagged with: substack

People who say they donā€™t like nazis, but turn around and take money from nazis, and give money to nazis, do in fact like nazis.

If you use #Substack, did you know that you can switch to @buttondown with more features? And the migration looks pretty easy. I might offer this as a service.


Wired's migration how-to:

#Substack is full of drama, losing money, building moats, and conning writers into investing to own less than 1% of the company.

Meanwhile #Ghost is open source, a non-profit, growing sustainably and looks like it will make $6 million in rev this year, according to their public metrics.

Choose your fighter wisely.

Also if you have any interest in moving over to ghost, hit me up. Happy to advise

You left Twitter because they started welcoming transphobes, QAnon, antivaxxers, racists and neo-Nazis onto their platform?

Then I'm afraid I have some bad news about your Substack newsletterā€¦

