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If there's the same conversation shown on different kinds of Fediverse server, each server type will display it in its own format.

For example:

In the attached images, you can see a conversation thread in the replies to a PeerTube video post. On Mastodon it will look like a Masto thread, but on PeerTube it will look like comments below the video.

They are both the same thread! It's just displayed differently depending on which kind of server you're looking at it from.

#FediTips #Fediverse
Screenshot of conversation displayed in Mastodon about props and accessories that used to be bundled with adventure games in the 1980s and 1990s, replying to a PeerTube post featuring a video about old adventure games. It looks just like any Mastodon thread.
Screenshot from a PeerTube server showing the same conversation, but this time it is displayed in a PeerTube format as comments below the PeerTube video.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
p.s. To comment on a PeerTube video from Mastodon, just reply to that video's post. It will be shown as a comment in PeerTube.

To like a PeerTube video from Mastodon, just favourite its video post within Mastodon. It will be shown as a thumbs up on PeerTube.

To subscribe to a PeerTube video channel, just follow its account in Mastodon.

They are the same things being displayed differently depending on where you're looking at them from.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
p.p.s. If you want to show a PeerTube video's post within Mastodon, just paste the video's web address into the search box on Mastodon.

You can also discover interesting PeerTube videos being shared over on @FediVideo
This entry was edited (1 year ago)