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Items tagged with: boringcompany

The Boring Company’s actions show Elon Musk isn’t ushering in a transport revolution; he’s stifling any hope of one. We need to wake up if we’re to ever build a better transport system.

In the same way that the Hyperloop’s purpose was to get California’s high-speed rail line canceled, the Boring Company is distracting from train and transit projects that aren’t as “sexy”, but could make a real difference.

#hyperloop #boringcompany #elonmusk #transport #tech
He has a history of floating false solutions to the drawbacks of our over-reliance on cars that stifle efforts to give people other options. The Boring Company was supposed to solve traffic, not be the Las Vegas amusement ride it is now. As I’ve written in my book, Musk admitted to his biographer Ashlee Vance that Hyperloop was all about trying to get legislators to cancel plans for high-speed rail in California—even though he had no plans to build it.