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Wow, I wish I were able to read some savvy takes on Twitter about how Mastodon isn't ready for prime time πŸ’…πŸΌ
Oooh. Spill the tea. What did I miss?
@robmcbryde On Twitter? Literally nothing
@mcc @robmcbryde

It's always weird as a Mastodon user, to visit 'the outside world', and read how Mastodon is dying, is only used for child porn, blah blah.

If only these people just signed up and used it for a few days, they would know better. But noooo..
#ElonMusk will use his Mastodon instance here to tell us all about it...
I cannot understand why those on Mastodon continue to give twitter attention. Do they not realize they are helping to keep it alive in doing so? from Twitter and this can very difficult when you are not computer savvy... it took months with help step by step by the knowledgeable to do things right and not bring scams,bots,orporn into others accts. who you follow you,keep the loop clean and block riffraff or misinformation,found many attention getters looking for subject control or ego issues,many things here are like seeing soup all muddled up and stops going nowhere...
much of what #birdsite is now could be described with the analogy of "it's like watching someone defecate into their own hands, then clapping like a meth-addled seal"

You do?

Only reason a cookie for that domain persists on my machine is that many news sites continue to embed public responses to events from there, and I just haven't bothered DNSRBL'ing the domain and all related on my LAN, yet. πŸ™„