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Items tagged with: science

Here we go. It's going to be a long day...

I'm refreshing my knowledge of probability distributions. Every field of knowledge based on data uses them, but few stop to think about them.

Chapter 2 of Thom Baguley's Serious Stars

#science #mathematics #statistics

Enjoy breathing oxygen? Thank the moon.
The air we breathe may be the result of a chance collaboration between microbes and the moon.

This is the most soothing sound in the world
The Humming Project documents the emotion behind a simple, universal tone.

#Japan breaks #internet #speed record with a 319Tbps data transfer

As with many of these experiments, it could be a long time before this performance has a meaningful impact. While the four-core #fiber would work with existing networks, the system could easily be very expensive. It's more likely to see initial use with internet backbones and other major networking projects where capacity matters more than cost.
#news #science #experiment #backbone

I made a video about my research for the Brain Week of the University of Amsterdam. The video was part of a series of talks shown to students that are considering following a bachelor program at the UvA.

My video is meant to be an example of how to do research on language and the brain.

I'm sharing the video , since I know there are a few linguists and people generally interested on science, the brain, and all that jazz...


#Science #video #MyVideo #SupportDiasporaScientists #Morphology #Neurology #psycholinguistics #linguistics #nl #Amsterdam

#science #sciencemanuelacasasoli
The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) collaboration, who produced the first ever image of a black hole, has revealed today a new view of the massive object at the centre of the M87 galaxy: how it looks in polarised light.
Astronomers Image Magnetic Fields at the Edge of M87’s Black Hole

Next Thursday the 11th I will be presenting my research at the Grammar & Cognition meeting of the Radboud University.

In this page you can see a description of the event, plus the zoom link.

I thought I'd share in case there are any linguists, psychologist, or just people generally interested in science here on diaspora who would like to check it out.

#science #linguistics #neuroscience #EEG #psycholinguistics #mywork #presentation #talk

In this sturning image provided by the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), the Omega Nebula (M17) resembles the fury of a raging sea, showing a bubbly ocean of glowing hydrogen gas and small amounts of other elements such as oxygen and sulfur. The nebula, also known as the Swan Nebula, is a hotbed of newly born stars residing 5,500 light-years away in the constellation Sagittarius. The wavelike patterns of gas have been sculpted and illuminated by a torrent of ultraviolet radiation from the young massive stars, which lie outside the picture to the upper left. The ultraviolet radiation is carving and heating the surfaces of cold hydrogen gas clouds. The warmed surfaces glow orange and red in this photograph. The green represents an even hotter gas that masks background structures. Various gases represented with color are: sulfur, represented in red; hydrogen, green; and oxygen blue.
#space #hubble #nebula #cosmos #science

Florida's governor and fervent Trump bootlicker, Ron DeSantis, sent jackbooted thugs to the home of a scientist in an effort to silence her from speaking out on his mishandling of Covid.

This is full-on fascist dictator games. They pointed guns at her kids and confiscated her PC.

You can't make this shit up.

Link -

#Covid #ScienceMatters #Science #Florida #USPol #politics #FloridaMan #pandemic #censorship