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Items tagged with: openaccess

Bitte helft mir, die heute endenden Stellenausschreibungen im Bereich #OpenAccess Transformation in den #ReWi nochmal kräftig zu bewerben 🙏🏼

Wir suchen an der #FHPotsdam 2 Projektmitarbeiter*innen für das @bmbf_bund Projekt "Kulturwandel in den Rechtswissenschaften" #KidReWi

Im Fokus steht die juristische Monographie (zB Fachbuch, Gesetzeskommentar, Festschrift) & die Frage, welche Publikationsstrukturen hier für #OA notwendig sind.

#FediJur #JuraBubble #ReWi #Job
Vektorgrafik einer Monografie

Equitable and open access to knowledge is at the heart of science. It’s time for profit-hungry publishers to get out of the way of progress. #openaccess

This is big. No #embargoes. No #APCs.

"The #EU is ready to agree that immediate #OpenAccess to papers reporting publicly funded research should become the norm, w/o authors having to pay fees & that the bloc should support #nonprofit scholarly publishing models.

In a move that could send shockwaves through commercial scholarly #publishing, the positions are due to be adopted by the Council of the EU member state governments later this month."

#Europe #RightsRetention

Cambridge University Press has released all the History books in its “Cambridge Elements” series.
They’re all #OpenAccess, available for download in PDF until Wednesday, January 11.

I just added my name to the list of researchers and academics, who refuse to #publish, #review or do editorial work for #Elsevier's journals.

Elsevier extracts rent from publicly funded #research by making society pay for it twice through article-processing-charges and subscription.

It also draws unreasonable profits from labor that academics do for free.

#publishing #OpenScience #OpenAccess

Through the #Wikidata query for nonprofit organizations with Mastodon accounts ( I learned that #OpenAccess nonprofit @scipost has a carefully set up dedicated presence here, with multiple handles for posting open-access #science papers in those fields. Neat, hope it picks up steam!

- Physics: @physics

- Astronomy: @astro

- Biology: @biology

- Chemistry: @chemistry

- Computer Science: @compsci

- Mathematics: @math

- Political Science: @polsci