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Items tagged with: research

Spiders Are Somehow Hacking Fireflies to Lure More Victims


#science #firefly #research #spider #hackaday
posted by pod_feeder_v2

#TFW you do three hours of research into a story, only to finally remember you have already blogged about it two years ago... 😅

(granted, didn't dig this deep last time...)

#research #folklore #folktales #storytelling

Whenever I explain my #research at Google into mobile text editing, I'm usually met with blank stares or a slightly hostile "Everyone can edit text on their phones, right? What's the problem?"

Text editing on mobile isn't ok. It's actually much worse than you think, an invisible problem no one appreciates. I wrote this post so you can understand why it's so important.
#UXDesign #UX

Imagine if every university had its own #fediverse server. So for example faculty at a uni in Aotearoa could be This could even be integrated with the uni's institutional repository, so that every time a researcher adds an article to it, a post is automatically added to their account with the title, abstract and link for the article. Could be integrated into the official blogs a uni often provides to faculty and postgrads too.

#Aotearoa #NZ #research #academia #AcademicPublishing

"Urban forest restoration by trial and error is costly, and resulting failures are both discouraging to practitioners and condemning of future funding approval. Instead, we propose an evidence-based approach developed with partners and practitioners, informed by, ecologists and applied through practice oriented principles."

#KiriWallace, #BruceDClarkson

#Aotearoa #NZ #research #ecology #NativeReplanting #UrbanForest

Read all about it. Washington Post reports on a study by people who have no idea how internet technology works if it isn't run a corporation, and imposes culturally-specific judgements on internet use by people in other cultures, with different ethical frameworks. Honestly, this study could have been titled 'researchers shocked to find dodgy stuff on dodgy little websites':

#research #NewsMedia

Mastodonty studiujące, mam prośbę naukową 🤓

Pod kierownictwem wykładowczyni prowadzę badanie kwestionariuszowe dotyczące relacji chronotypu ze zdrowiem psychicznym osób studiujących.

Będę wdzięczny za każdą odpowiedź - jeśli macie swoje ankiety również chętnie wypełnię 📝

#student #studia #mastodon #badania #research #psychologia

I just added my name to the list of researchers and academics, who refuse to #publish, #review or do editorial work for #Elsevier's journals.

Elsevier extracts rent from publicly funded #research by making society pay for it twice through article-processing-charges and subscription.

It also draws unreasonable profits from labor that academics do for free.

#publishing #OpenScience #OpenAccess

Content warning: Increase in hate speech on bird site

Hi all, I've been here about 24 hours, so I thought it was time for an #introduction post!

I'm Max--recently diagnosed with #ADHD, currently finishing up two MS degrees (#AppliedMath and #Engineering Mechanics), and trying to figure out what to do with myself!

I've spent most of my career in #teaching and #research so leaving academia for a new career is an exciting (and #scary) prospect!

Outside of my work, I love #swimming, abstract #painting, #cooking, and building #mechanicalkeyboards!

👉Involved in #research & #innovation in the private or public sector?

🔄The #MSCA 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐟𝐟 𝐄𝐱𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐥 supports short-term international and inter-sectoral exchanges of research and innovation staff

⏰Apply by 8⃣March 2023:!6Tkdwh



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