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Items tagged with: Surveillance

Pleased to announce the launch of Surveillance Watch, an interactive map and resource that documents the hidden connections within the opaque surveillance industry:

By mapping out the intricate web of surveillance companies, their subsidiaries, partners, and financial backers, we hope to expose the enablers fueling this industry's extensive rights violations, ensuring they cannot evade accountability for being complicit in this abuse.

#Privacy #Surveillance #InfoSec

"Facebook snooped on users’ Snapchat traffic in secret project, documents reveal"

Das ist vorsätzliches Umgehen von Sicherheitsmaßnahmen und eine illegale Überwachung/Spionage. Wer Meta/Facebook noch in irgendeiner Weise vertraut, der sollte sich gut überlegen, was Vertrauen für ihn bedeutet.

#vpn #surveillance #snooping #facebook #meta #vertrauen

Oh le fabricant de boite aux lettres n'oserait pas lire mes courriers ?
#surveillance #publicité

OpenStreetMap supports mapping surveillance cameras.

Cameras can be identified by location and type.

The area being observed can be disclosed.

Surveillance under Surveillance/ is an OpenStreetMap instance focused on surveillance cameras, the data used is not visualized on the instance.

Mastodon: @openstreetmap

#OpenStreetMap #Surveillance #CCTV #Privacy #FacialRecognition #Tracking #BiometricData #VoicePrint #Gait

Screenshot: Surveillance cameras mapped in Paris, France. Screenshot: Surveillance cameras mapped in Paris, France (2x zoom).
Screenshot: Surveillance cameras mapped in Paris, France (1x zoom). Screenshot: Surveillance cameras mapped in Paris, France (3x zoom).

‘The ‘non-profit start-up’ Thorn, founded by actor Ashton Kutcher, is a driving force behind the EU’s campaign to scan the net for child abuse material. Newly public documents and financial information obtained by Follow the Money reveal the blurred boundaries between Thorn’s do-good public face and the powerful business behind it.’
#tech #law #eu #privacy #surveillance #gdpr

So it turns out Europol want the access to all the data that would be collected under plans to scan messages for CSAM. Confirming worst fears that child abuse is being used as an excuse for routine mass surveillance of all images and messages . #surveillance #eu #privacy

Oh, and it wasn’t an “oops, we hired a spy cop by mistake, we’re sorry” either. It was a “we hired a spy cop, fuck your feelings.”

#RaspberryPi #RaspberryPi5 #spyCops #surveillance #acab

LibreWolf: Custom version of Firefox, focused on privacy, security & freedom

* HN discussion of some interest: back and forth ... mainly regarding forks and trust vs. companies (Mozilla; others) and trust ... [transparency ...]

* free OS web browser; fork of Firefox w. emphasis on privacy & security

#WebBrowsers #OpenSource #Firefox #LibreWolf #privacy #surveillance #Linux #Mozilla


Main Features

* No Telemetry. No experiments, adware, annoyances, or unnecessary distractions.

* Private Search. Privacy-conscious search providers: DuckDuckGo, Searx, Qwant and more.

*Content Blocker Included. uBlock Origin is already included for your convenience.

* Enhanced Privacy. Hardened to maximize privacy, without sacrificing usability.

* Fast Updates. LibreWolf is always built from the latest Firefox stable source, for up-to-date security and features along with stability.

* Open Source. Everyone can participate in the development of LibreWolf. Join us on GitLab, Codeberg and Matrix.


> If you feel you are being watched, you change your behavior. Big Data is supercharging this effect.

> This could limit your desire to take risks or exercise free speech. Over the long term these 'chilling effects' could 'cool down' society.

> If you have "bad friends" on social media you might pay more for your loan.

> What you post on social media may influence your odds of getting a tax audit.

#privacy #foss #bigdata #surveillance #ai

10 years ago, Edward Snowden changed the world. The 'Snowden leaks' were a wake-up call: The conspiracy theory that Secret Services were monitoring our private conversations has proven to be true.

Public backlash after this revelation might have bought us years in our fight for privacy. However, today governments around the world are again pushing for more surveillance. This must be stopped! 🔒

#privacy #surveillance #snowden #nsa #fbi #secretservice

#EU #PressFreedom #MediaLaw #Surveillance #Journalism #Spyware: "EU governments want to allow state surveillance of journalists and their interlocutors, including the use of spyware, if security authorities deem it necessary. This is according to documents from the ongoing EU negotiations on the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA), seen by Investigate Europe, and Follow the Money.

The EU media law, proposed by the European Commission last September, intends to protect journalists and the media against political control by governments and owners. These are visibly endangering freedom of expression and media diversity in several EU countries, most notably in Poland and Hungary but also elsewhere, as experts like the authors of the annual Media Pluralism Monitor report at the European University Institute in Florence, have warned for years."

@jaz 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 And did you ask people first if they want to invite #gafam (here: via #googleDoc ) to this panel ?
Are there really no #foss / free from #corpo #surveillance tools ( #nextcloud, #cryptpad, etc.) to need google ?
As admin of the #fediverse server, I do not intend to invite them here in any form.

@Electronic Frontier Foundation Why the hell are you using #google maps - a #private #surveillance tool - to show #government surveillance tools and not, for example, the open #openstreetmap, which in addition has an editing scheme for such data in its database ????

Hmmmm, federated cocaine? 🧐

#TikTok and its algos should be a controlled substance 🧠 tightly regulated

(otherwise more bears in all nations will be using it all day and long into the night 🐾 🐾)

#BigTech #Media
#Attention #Hack
#Privacy #Surveillance

Ya think? 🤦🏻‍♂️

"New research suggests that privacy in the #metaverse might be impossible:



Oh look, Google being Google.

(In case you were thinking of learning/using Go, I’d say skip it. There are plenty of other fish in the sea. Unless you like telemetry by default in your programming languages and tools, that is. In fact, just don’t touch anything tainted by Google if you can help it.)

#google #alphabet #go #surveillance #capitalism #peopleFarming #privacy #development #dev #software

An AP investigation has found that authorities used technologies mobilized for COVID-19 for purposes entirely unrelated to the pandemic — halting travel for activists and ordinary people, harassing marginalized communities and linking people’s health information to other surveillance and law enforcement tools.  In some cases, data was shared with spy agencies #surveillance #pandemic

When billionaires say they don’t care about privacy, it‘s your privacy they’re talking about not theirs. Mark Zuckerberg says “privacy is dead” in one breath and buys the four houses around his house in the next because he values his own privacy. It’s yours that he’s actively engaged in strangling the life out of.

#privacy #markZuckerberg #elonMusk #SiliconValley #surveillance #capitalism

THIS great sentiment
maybe we ALL take a serious & sober look at how ABSENCE of LAW over past 18 years (not bad law, shitty or law unfair law... no law)
• #internet
• #mobile #social
• #privacy
• #surveillance
• #AI #ML
• #data #governance

This is a massive #mastodon #fediverse opportunity we can collectively capitalize on before #SiliconValley #BigTech #VC carpet baggers arrive.


@klonick@davew@craignewmark@jeffjarvis@daphnehk@qjurecic@blaine @@profcarroll

Admittedly, I don't use a VPN, but I also actively avoid using these services. Most digital convenience is wrapped in #surveillance these days.

"We confirm that iOS 16 does communicate with Apple services outside an active VPN tunnel. Worse, it leaks DNS requests. #Apple services that escape the VPN connection include Health, Maps, Wallet. We used @ProtonVPN and #Wireshark. Details in the video:

#CyberSecurity #Privacy"
