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Items tagged with: Twitter

Now all #twitter links are blocked by twitter login. All #links we ever shared via twitter can not be followed anymore without signing in to twitter, no matter where in the #WWW they point to. Twitter put a gate in front of our links by "shortening" them and now they locked the gate. We never should have given them such power. #gatedcommunities #fediverse #web

#Twitter is soooo yesterday's news... Disgusting, pointless and boring.

Time to let the blue bird fly out of the fascist cage and let yourself roam freely with your #Mastodon community 🐘🐘🐘🐘

#TwitterMigration #Fediverse

:twitterfire: Pense duas vezes antes de compartilhar links para o #Twitter já que quem não está logado não poderá ver o conteúdo.

Prefira tirar print (e descrever), copiar e colar o conteúdo ou repostar o conteúdo.

Whatever is going on right now in #Russia, I do note this: #Twitter is now useless at tracking this. Junk accounts everywhere, no verified accounts, swarms of sketchy bluechecks.

The ONE thing that place was good at was breaking global news. But not now.

See everyone here tonight.

With 1.3 mn active users, #Mastodon is but an ant in comparison to the 3,000 mn users of #Facebook.

#FB was created as a macho website and it's become a toxic space.

Maybe the #Fediverse should have a vote if it really wants to be hooked up to such a place?

Any individuals would still be free to join.

If #Meta were #Twitter, I'm sure about the vote.
#Meta is in the same league, though.

#FOSS does not mean that corporations can all join, regardless of their behavior + agenda.

Column chart comparing the most popular global social-media networks as of Januar 2023 in millions.

Picture of an anteater devourin ants with its giant tongue.

An ant is about 0.52 - 0.75 milimeters, an anteater up to 1.4 meters, so there are more than 2.200 active FB users for every active user of Mastodon in comparison.


There is no such thing as “uncooperative Mods”, but there is definitely a trend of uncooperative CEO’s thinking people are crap that can be offloaded in the sidewalk for the glory of their dystopian vision of the Internet. #Reddit #Twitter


Prasówka 2-9.06.2023

  • auto expand every post (100%, 1 vote)
  • TM: usually expand (0%, 0 votes)
  • TM: usually don't expand (0%, 0 votes)
  • non-TM: usually expand (0%, 0 votes)
  • non-TM: usually don't (0%, 0 votes)
1 voter. Poll end: 1 year ago

#Mastodon has an #algorithm

It is NOT true that #Twitter has an algorithm — but Mastodon doesn't. That is untrue.

Mastodon just has a different algorithm.

Mastodon is software — ALL SOFTWARE HAVE ALGORITHMS.

Mastodon just has a different algorithm. A simpler algorithm.

Mastodon's algorithm is — to display the posts of the people and hash-tags you follow, in the order they are posted, with newest posts being displayed first, and oldest last.

Prasówka 19-26.05.2023

At this point, I expect everything on #Twitter to break.

But reports on something even more wild: Twitter's autocomplete is recommending potential CSAM and animal torture content.

If you still have a Twitter account, you might want to think about closing it -- at least, for your own safety.
The second incident is perhaps a lot more concerning. Last week, some users discovered that Twitter’s search autocomplete was recommending… um… absolutely horrific stuff, including potential child sexual abuse material and animal torture videos. As an NBC report by Ben Collins notes, Twitter used to have tools that stopped search from recommending such awful things, but it looks like someone at Twitter 2.0 just turned off that feature, enabling anyone to get recommended animal torture.

You know #Twitter is hitting rock-bottom when reporting on its fall has become too tiring.

#Twitter rolled out a new policy suspending accounts with no activity in the past 30 days (!!!). This apparently includes the accounts of deceased people.

I have created automatic #CW rule for 'RT @' text (#friendica can do it!) and I don't have to watch #twitter #spam

Probleme mit Twitter Connector

Hallo zusammen

Ich wurde von einem User darauf aufmerksam gemacht, dass seine Posts bei #Twitter nicht mehr ankommen. Eine Überprüfung bei Twitter hat ergeben, dass meine Twitter-App für Friendica gesperrt wurde, angeblich wegen Verstoss der Regeln. Hat sonst wer die selber Erfahrung gemacht?

Ich versuchte eine neue App zu erstellen, jedoch funktioniert das Posten nicht (mit den Consumer Keys). Ich habe anschliessend Authentication Tokens mit read and write permissions erstellt, diese in Friendica eingegeben, aber das scheint auch nicht zu funktionieren.

Hat wer einen Tipp? - Danke!

!Friendica Support

So, what episode are we at with the #Twitter Blue Checkmark saga? Here's the rough timeline as I understand it:
  • Before Elon Musk: Checkmark is attributed discretionarily, mainly to prevent impersonation.
  • After Elon Musk:
    • Twitter Blue subscription is introduced that grants the checkmark.
    • Impersonation immediately ensues. Twitter answers by preventing Checkmark accounts from changing their display name.
    • Checkmark is divided in three colors: Gold for companies, Blue for individuals, Grey for government.
    • Checkmark is derided for being bought out. As a response Twitter Blue subscribers ask for their checkmark to be hidden.
    • Prominent accounts (like Beyoncé) lose their checkmark.
    • Prominent accounts that kept their checkmark (like Ron Perlman) defend themselves from claims they have subscribed to Twitter Blue.

Am I missing anything? Even can't keep up with the madness.

I beg of you, just say Twitter. Don't say birdsite, or T******, or any other cute thing. Just say Twitter, so people can mute that word and not see your post.

Same with Musk. Or Trump. Or any other thing you think some of your audience doesn't want to see. Just say the word and let people mute that word. Please.

#Fediverse #Twitter #Etiquette

Hello !Friendica Support
what do you think, should we have a possibility to delete Twitter accounts from Friendica?

I have a few dozen Twitter contacts in #Friendica from earlier when it was possible to interact with #Twitter users from within Friendica.

So I would like to be able to select several of them and then be able to delete them or preferably say "delete all Twitter contacts" and it will remove them all, including the posts from Twitter, aka. Tweets.

If you still have to be on #Twitter, well ok (and I’m sorry).

But definitely don’t trust *anything* to be private there. Or to work, like, at all. 😄

People now see tweets from folks who blocked them, Circles leak tweets, and more. I’m leaning more into my theory that this is a deliberate dismantling of a tool that gave regular people too much power to organize.

Shouldn’t we have heard grumblings from investors who are angry at this shitshow? 🤔

Hehe, “Phony Stark.”

#Twitter has changed logo from the bird to the Dogecoin logo 🤣

Fe-Diversity, no, thanks?

People need to understand.

#Google isn't a search engine.
#Facebook isn't a journal to share with your friend.
#Instagram isn't a public photo album.
#Twitter isn't a micro-blogging website.

They are all advertisement companies.

Did #Twitter break? I don't see it working on my PC or phone. Might just be temporary.

Anyone else notice it has been quite rickety recently?

Anyone still on #Twitter?

  • Yes (33%, 2 votes)
  • No (66%, 4 votes)
6 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago

On #Twitter, I just tried to do an emoji reaction.

#Soapbox is feature rich in a way that neither #Twitter nor #Mastodon are.

Before Tesla, Elon Musk launched a company called X(dot)com that he hoped would upend the banking system. It didn’t, but he never gave up on the idea.

In November, he outlined a vision for Twitter that effectively tries to replicate his old vision by grafting it onto the ailing social media platform. I explain why it’s doomed to fail and what it tells us about Elon Musk.

#tech #elonmusk #twitter

It looks like the #Twitter API changes towards a mostly paid model have been pushed from today to February 13th, but I didn't want to take any chances and I went forward and deleted all my tweets yesterday night, as well as severing my #Friendica connector.

It definitely feels different than when my #Facebook account was frozen in 2016 for using this pseudonym I've worn for 17 years now. Back then, I was just brutally faced with the facts, I didn't have any agency which made the move to the #Fediverse straightforward, I didn't have any other choice.

This time, I've had to actually make up my mind about leaving Twitter and stick to my plan in the face of an ever-volatile platform constantly backtracking their most unpopular decisions. It wasn't an easy decision, I had made a few organic connections on there, but I guess even I had to draw a line in the sand.

Planning to move your friendly #bot over to Mastodon once #Twitter shuts down free API access on the 9th?

Please make sure to mark your new account as type “bot” to meet the expectations of instance operators.

We hope your transition over is smooth and everyone appreciates the diversity in bot functionality!