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Wait. People are saying Meta's decentralized app will be powered by #ActivityPub, and will interoperate with Mastodon.

On top of it, it will be Instagram-branded.

Surprising. But again, I'll believe it when I see it.

Meta, the parent firm of Facebook and Instagram, is hashing out a plan to build a standalone text-based content app that will support ActivityPub, the decentralised social networking protocol powering Twitter rival Mastodon and other federated apps, people familiar with the matter told Moneycontrol.

The app will be Instagram-branded and will allow users to register/login to the app through their Instagram credentials, they said. Moneycontrol has seen a copy of an internal product brief that elaborates on the functioning and various product features of the app.
Wow. We're really going to see a Fediverse dogpile soon.

It doesn't matter if Meta never does this decentralized social network and integrates ActivityPub.

The point is enough developers will *think* Meta will do this -- and this is going to cause an avalanche of development.

Not all these developers will believe in decentralization. They'll be opportunists through and through.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
I'm no fool. Meta is definitely going to try to "embrace, extend, and extinguish" if they actually follow through on a decentralized social network.

In my view, they're no different from Cloudflare.

But you know what we just caused them to do? Acknowledge the Fediverse.

Think about that.
In the meantime, this Meta adventure with decentralized social networks socially validates everything I've been doing for the past 5 years.


Seriously, the pendulum has officially swung in my direction!
Mark Zuckerberg will be in a world of hurt if he thinks the Fediverse is anything like the Metaverse -- and he can just waltz in with one instance, taking all the real estate.


If Meta tries to be Meta -- and they'll try! -- that will be a lesson for the textbooks!
What do you want to bet that Tumblr, Flickr, and Post are going to want to get the drop on Meta beforehand?

What all these Johnny-Come-Latelys will need to understand:

* The Fediverse isn't a client
* The Fediverse isn't Mastodon
* The Fediverse isn't ActivityPub

The Fediverse is an entire ecosystem that is as revolutionary as the web itself.

While the web connects servers, the Fediverse does something more drastic: it connects people!

This will change the Internet forever, and if Meta goes through with this, it spells their doom.
LOL! Meta exists to track people. That's their whole game. If they can't track people, why do they even exist?

If they create a decentralized social network that uses ActivityPub and is compatible with Mastodon, how are they going to monetize?

Will they convince every owner of an instance to install a tracker so Meta can feed people ads?


Not if I can run my own instance for $5/month.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
People need to understand.

#Google isn't a search engine.
#Facebook isn't a journal to share with your friend.
#Instagram isn't a public photo album.
#Twitter isn't a micro-blogging website.

They are all advertisement companies.
Google, Facebook & Instagram, and Twitter are all surveillance organizations that finance themselves with advertising.

@Stark9837 @atomicpoet