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Items tagged with: Media

Like the Titan submarine implosion, the Bayesian yacht sinking, is getting a lot more coverage than the frequent sinking & deaths of migrants on small boats around the world.

This is not to minimise the tragedies that have befallen the families in both these accidents, but reveals the normalisation (and therefore lack of newsworthiness) of migrant deaths at sea around the world.... these deaths get some coverage, sometimes, but then the media usually swiftly moves on.

#migrants #media

This makes me so sad. The #library was a haven from my miserable, white trash childhood. I walked there nearly every day in summer, sometimes spending all day exploring every aisle. No one hassled me, I learned so much, it opened so many doors. #lgbtq #media #civilrights #freedom #idaho
A real sign up in the lobby of an Idaho library warning children to stay out

Edward #Snowden just tweeted:

The NSA is just 𝗗𝗔𝗬𝗦 from taking over the internet, and it's not on the front page of any newspaper--because no one has noticed.


#omg #wtf #law #nsa #problem #usa #privacy #internet #government #politics #fail #media

“Reasoning” is the wrong word to use with Trump supporters


GQP Crazies

I am waiting for him to do a Jim Jones

Not that he wouldn't, in an eye-blink, if they stopped loving/paying/believing him.

Die for Me

Ironically, he and - especially - the #DeathSantis variant actually did an effective job of significantly thinning their voter ranks by wholesale killing their base with #TrumpVirus (preventing info, treatment, prevention, etc.)

He told them to drink bleach to cure Covid and quite a few of them did it. There’s still hope.

Yes. But those still pledging allegiance to Dark Lord #TrumpVirus are so dug in, with so much reinforcement of their anti-#truth #media bubbles... they keep "doubling down" on the insane alternative to reality, in the 'cognitive dissonance' arena.

Over the past few years, Spotify spent big to try to take over podcasting. Now it’s shutting down shows, laying off workers, and disappearing well-known brands. What happened?

On #TechWontSaveUs, I spoke to Eric Silver about Spotify’s big plan to enclose podcasts so it could get more data and diversify away from music. Needless to say, it didn’t work.

#tech #podcast #spotify #audio #media

Eric Silver: "Spotify, tried to do a vertical monopoly. It reminds me of the movies in the 30s, where it's like, 'We own the actors. We own the director. We own the script. You're going to film it on our lot. Our editor is going to be overseen by a guy in a suit standing over his shoulder, making sure he's not communist, and then we're going to put it out in our theaters.' And that feels very similar to what Spotify did."

This is a spectacularly good analysis of why traffic referrals from social media have fallen off a cliff and what it means for publishers. This all comes out of what @pluralistic calls the enshittification of publishing, social media, and ads. People are tired of and overwhelmed by clickbait journalism. The answer, of course, is to provide actually good content, and present it well.

#content #journalism #media #SocialMedia

As a media analyst, I share the frustration that many publishers have. As a niche publisher, I stopped using Facebook several years ago because that was when they stopped showing my followers my articles. And we see the same thing now on other channels, like Twitter.

But, at the same time, it's painfully clear that this fake social focus, where we are not actually being social and creating communities, but are instead optimizing for random people doing random crap, but having zero interest or connection, was never a good future for publishers to have.
And finally, we have the elephant in the room... which is advertising.

The way advertising works today, for publishers, is fundamentally hostile to our future business model. Obviously there are different types of advertising, but the main culprit here is third-party programmatic display advertising.

The problem with that model is that it's defined around scale and volume, and now that publishers are seeing a decline in that area, these third party ad networks are acting against our future strategies and revenue potentials.

For instance, right now we see a lot of economic uncertainty that has caused brands to not only demand better results for less money, but also made brands very reluctant in terms of ad spending.
What doesn't work is to produce even more crappy content. If Netflix did that, everyone would cancel their Netflix subscription. Instead, the winning strategy (which is not as easy as it sounds) is to produce really good content for bored people to watch.

It's the same for magazines or newspapers. You can't fix this by creating more crappy content because the 'source' of traffic is not realistic. For instance, I see many who are saying that they will just use AI to produce a ton of low-quality crappy articles to have something for their bored audiences to see, often via SEO. But, it's only going to be a matter of time before Google de-ranks that type of content because none of it is what people want when they are searching for something they need.

#Zuckerberg’s #Meta comes under #attack from human rights campaigners

#Internews said complaints about #misinformation on conflicts, such as the #Tigray #War in #Ethiopia, sometimes went unanswered for months, although warnings about content spreading in #Ukraine were typically dealt with quickly.

#economy #media #socialMedia #software #fail #politics #finance #problem #hate #fake #news #facebook

#Google just announced that going forward, any account not logged into for two years gets deleted.

This means huge amounts of rare or unique #video is about to disappear from #YouTube as accounts get flagged as inactive, such as when the user dies. Families' #HomeMovies (often posted by an older relative for their family's benefit), historical footage, rare #television clips, etc. What an incalculable loss to human #history and culture!

If there are videos important to you on someone else's video channel, find a way to download them. And if you have rare #media of historical importance, consider leaving it to institutional #archives or lending it to archives for digital preservation.

ICD #34 - Co jeśli nie Facebook, Instagram i reszta? Fediverse!

Content warning: #aplikacje #apple #bezpieczeństwo #big #czas #działać #facebook #fediverse #firefox #google #internet #kontrola #korporacje #linux #media #mozilla #nowoczesne #opensource #Podcast #prawa #privacy #prywatność #security #social #tech #technologia #technolog

Happy #Newstodon Friday!

For this week's story, we'll share Michelle Pitcher's interview with #prison journalist Jason Walker, who bravely reports on conditions inside even though it puts his life at risk.

If you know anything about prison #journalism, you know both how courageous Jason is, and how hard Michelle had to work to get inside to report this story.

(Edit: Repetition)
#JournoLife #HumanRights #media #Texas #news
Prison journalist Jason Walker, a Black man with short hair and a short mustache. He has a serious expression on his face and is wearing a collared prison shirt, sitting behind a visitation window in this photograph.

You're Not Immune To Propaganda

This video hits hard, we're all immersed in propaganda without even realizing its influence on us, so when someone points it out you're in shock of how you didn't see that before.

#YouTube #educational
#propaganda #news #media
#capitalism #neoliberalism
Thumbnail of the video from YouTube. The text reads "You are not immune to propaganda" with the drawing of a person staring directly at the viewer.

There is a lot of talk on the #fediverse #mastodon about how #media sites should own their web/social presence and their audiences, by self-hosting.

Case in point,

But why stop there?

We should also be promoting the use of #peertube as a home for organizations to OWN their video presence as well.

Here's a great example of a media organization doing just that:

If you speak any French, you can follow them here: @blast_info

#selfhosting #video

Hmmmm, federated cocaine? 🧐

#TikTok and its algos should be a controlled substance 🧠 tightly regulated

(otherwise more bears in all nations will be using it all day and long into the night 🐾 🐾)

#BigTech #Media
#Attention #Hack
#Privacy #Surveillance

Following #MentalHealth #chatbots since 2017 (all of them, most egregious WoeBot at Stanford).

*ANY* chatbots main job is to harvest data & behaviours from humans using them to improve all aspects of their own back end systems.

#OpenAI ToS/EULA “OK” = Liability to User

115 days and #ChatGPT will be in MS-Office within weeks?


#AI = savage & lawless land

ALL #media dopamine addled or captured or troll army pumping #AI for #Musk #Theil

Who’s looking behind curtain? 🧐

📺 #Teraz w TV Al Jazeera: fascynująca debata w studio na temat obiektywizmu i niezależności publicznej telewizji i zasad zachowania dziennikarzy (na przykładzie kontrowersji na temat wypowiedzi Garyego Linekera): Zdecydowanie warto posłuchać!

#media #mediaPubliczne #BBC #GaryLineker #rzetelność #niezależność #AlJazeera #TV #telewizja

Did you know that Biden signed 65 pieces of legislation into law this week? If you didn’t, it’s worth asking why the media you listen to didn’t tell you that. #politics #media #bidenwins
President Biden, sitting at his Resolute desk, looking at the 65 pieces of legislation he signed into law this week.

@PhenomX6I loathe being compelled to visit a third party site when I'm doing #Fediverse stuffs, but when it comes to audio and videos, #Soapbox is one of the most capable of all Fediverse server platforms.

I can post a link to a podcast or song on a #FunkWhale server for example, and play it right here without ever having to leave my Gleasonator account - it handled such media better than pretty much any other platform, and even those that do accommodate in site viewing, Soapbox is much much prettier.

When it comes to YouTube, however, a trick i picked up in #Matrix, that also works in Soapbox, is to simply run it through a sanitizer like #Invidious.

Then i can play the video inside Soapbox.

This is handled automagically with #Fedilab if you're posting to a Soapbox Pub server.

#tallship #FOSS #media #playback


What news publications have you seen set up shop on Mastodon?

I've come across the following that are active & appear to be legit:

- LA Times @losangelestimes
- NBC News @nbcnews
- ProPublica @ProPublica
- VOA @VOANews
- The Intercept @theintercept
- The Conversation @TheConversationUS
- Meduza @meduza_en
- Global Voices @globalvoices
- Grist @grist
- Die Tageszeitung (in German) @tazgetroete
- Le Monde diplomatique (in French) @mdiplo

(ping me if you know more!)

#media #news #journalism

One way to understand Musk's takeover of Twitter is ask how many OTHER media outlets are now owned by right-wing billionaires.

THEN you start to see what's happening.

#media #mediaconcentration #rightwingpropaganda

that denotes the book you referred to. :)

#Books #Society #Internet #Web #Monopoly #Media

Let this be a lesson to tech journalists that no matter how close you get to a tech leader and shill for their companies, there’s no guarantee they won’t turn on you after the slightest criticism. So maybe just hold them to account like you’re supposed to.

#tech #techindustry #media #journalism #twitter #elonmusk
Elon's Email to Swisher: Elon Musk apparently thinks Kara Swisher is an "asshole." For the latest episode of the "On" podcast, the tables were turned on Swisher as producer Nayeema Raza put her in the hot seat, asking about her relationship with Musk. "He's not speaking to me," Swisher said. "I'm an 'asshole.' He emailed me this recently."
Swisher said the email came after she tweeted reporting from WaPo about him wanting the US to pay for providing Starlink services to Ukraine. Swisher noted that she agreed Musk should get paid and made that point on Twitter, but apparently that wasn't enough. She said Musk emailed her with the subject: "You're an asshole " Inside the email was a screenshot of her tweets. "In this case, I was supporting him, which is really kind of ironic." Swisher said. Listen to the full pod here.

After all the amazing press Netflix and streaming received during the period of cheap money, there’s a growing recognition that was all unsustainable PR and streaming is recreating exactly what it claimed it would destroy: cable.

“This ad-centric future of TV looks a little like Netflix around 2022, but it looks more like something older: basic cable.”

#streaming #netflix #tv #film #media #tech

For all the talk of Mastodon being better about harassment it doesn’t seem like it has any features ppl who deal w/ tons of harassment have been asking Twitter for:
* Mass blocking capabilities
* Ability to block/limit anyone who likes a specific post or follows a specific person
* Ability to see only notifications from mutuals, etc.

Can you even limit ur replies to mutuals only on here? Doesn’t seem like you can?
#tech #technology #twitter #twittermi #twitterefugee #media #news #journalist

it's a shame this instance defederates most of us because this one is particularly cunty

Hi! I’m a technology columnist at The Washington Post. I was previously a tech reporter at The New York Times and The Atlantic. I love communication technology and online culture news. I share a lot of links and hot takes on internet/tech stuff! 🥰 #technology #media #journalism #journalist #nyt #washingtonpost #nytimes #twitterefugee #Twittermirgration #twitterisdead #twitter

Hi! I’m a technology columnist at The Washington Post. I was previously a tech reporter at The New York Times and The Atlantic. I love communication technology and online culture news. I share a lot of links and hot takes on internet/tech stuff! 🥰 #technology #media #journalism #journalist #nyt #washingtonpost #nytimes #twitterefugee #Twittermirgration #twitterisdead #twitter

#neuhier Hi everyone, I‘m a historian working on #media #history and, currently, the history of informal transport in African cities. Beyond that I‘m interested in #theory, especially theories of #ideology and #work, and #Marxist theory especially from #Africa. I‘m not yet sure what to do with this account and since I want to do something different from Twitter, will post reflections on my current theoretical obsessions.

In theory, we can now bring billions of minds to bear on the complex problems we face. Yet we live in an age of digitally amplified polarization and disinformation (I hope we can all agree these are problems). How can we learn to disagree gracefully? How can we teach that? We urgently need to create shared understandings of media, and how to use them in service of wellbeing. Especially if McLuhan was right that WW3 is an information war.


"Our democracies would be in even more trouble than they already are if anyone voicing suspicion of mainstream media was dismissed as a conspiracy theorist. It would be a world where the far right has successfully monopolised the terms of media criticism."

- #SeanPhelan, 2022

#media #MSM #MediaStudies

I'm rewatching Pierce Brosnan's James #Bond movies now available on #Netflix, and Tomorrow Never Dies really didn't age well. Not because of the technology expectedly obsolete, but rather because the evil #media mogul plans to have a "cool, objective coverage" of the world crisis he's brewing.

Ignoring all the side murdering, this statement of intent alone places him morally above Roger Ailes, infamous for Fox News, and many other media outlets, some of them even credentialed to cover the White House.