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Items tagged with: Youtube

#Google just announced that going forward, any account not logged into for two years gets deleted.

This means huge amounts of rare or unique #video is about to disappear from #YouTube as accounts get flagged as inactive, such as when the user dies. Families' #HomeMovies (often posted by an older relative for their family's benefit), historical footage, rare #television clips, etc. What an incalculable loss to human #history and culture!

If there are videos important to you on someone else's video channel, find a way to download them. And if you have rare #media of historical importance, consider leaving it to institutional #archives or lending it to archives for digital preservation.

Hilfe, ich kenn mich doch bei YouTube so schlecht aus. Welche deutschsprachigen Kanäle würdet Ihr inhaltlich weiterempfehlen?

Ist für eine Person, die zum Deutsch Lernen am liebsten YT guckt, aber die Sachen klingen inhaltlich so seltsam…

#followerpower #youtube

You're Not Immune To Propaganda

This video hits hard, we're all immersed in propaganda without even realizing its influence on us, so when someone points it out you're in shock of how you didn't see that before.

#YouTube #educational
#propaganda #news #media
#capitalism #neoliberalism
Thumbnail of the video from YouTube. The text reads "You are not immune to propaganda" with the drawing of a person staring directly at the viewer.

Why the fuck does #youtube #ban links to #nudity anyway? Sexually explicit links, fine, whatever, they don't want people to link to porn. But who the fuck cares about nudity? Yet you know they don't ban links to sites selling guns, etc. Fuck #thePatriarchy

Still #banned on #youtube as of 4-13-2023 because they haven't addressed my appeal against their #strike for "linking to sexually explicit nudity" in my interview with my #intersex friend (the "porn" in question was to a discord server they run that serves as a resource and support group for other intersex people). Just a warning that no URL is safe in a Youtube description--those crazy kids' #algorithms will decide ANYTHING is "porn."
screenshot from my youtube studio page, showing that the appeal I filed over them banning a link to an intersex support network as "linking to nudity and sexual content" is stuck in "submitted" limbo

holy shit yall I just tried to put up a FULLY CLOTHED video that's simply talking to my friends about the channels they want to start, one about disability awareness and one about her experiences as an intersex person (born with XXY chromosomes) and the fuckwits over at #youtube IMMEDIATELY #banned it as "nudity and sexual content" 🙃

Of course I appealed it, but past experience has always proven that appeals are useless and will just immediately get rejected anyway. Why do I even bother?

I may have to make a new twitter account, just to dm @teamyoutube, which has been the ONLY time I've ever been able to contact someone to get a wrongly banned video reinstated (and rarely at that). Fucking insanity.

Feeling like maybe I should give up on this whole content creation thing finally, again. I mean, I should be tired of getting punched in the face by now.

Awhile ago I extended my 2011 MacBook Air's life by putting Linux on it, first ElementaryOS and now Garuda. The limitation has always been how much heavier the browser gets as well as the sites it has to render. I thought that it would be CPU that maxed out on this staying a practical computer as videos need more and more number crunching and so do those websites. It seems that even with 4 GB of RAM it will be the memory shortage that finally does it in. Specifically YouTube sites are just becoming too memory hungry, not that their load and non-video site performance is great either though. #linux #GarudaLinux #youtube

Content warning: a grossly sexualized (but still clothed!) use of a woman in a YouTube thumbnail

"The Warriors" is an unusual 1979 film about a lethal conflict between New York City youth gangs that all takes place in one night. Filming was on location throughout the city, capturing the area at that time like few films I've ever seen. Very controversial when released -- some theaters backed out of showing it -- the film has become a true cult classic over the years, and I recommend it highly.

Currently free on #YouTube Movies & TV (likely U.S. only, sorry):
Love the Wonder Wheel!

@Shelenn Ayres @Cătălin Petrescu It should be a practical discussion and not an ideological or emotional, like "feelings of person X" is hurt by the dislike button". That's to much emotional about it. Remember when #Youtube took down the dislike feature? Some people didn't like it that they got so much dislikes on their view. This practically means they cannot take negative critics and don't want to improve themselves. MrPetovan has deleted my comment there where I have pointed this out, that only softies will cry about receiving/seeing dislike features. Real people won't do that, they just deactivate it (and that change was introduced already by him) or ignore it. I ignore the dislike button as long as I don't want to click it. Ripping out features from a software is bad for the software, plus it is part of #ActivityPub .

Free Speech Absolutist Elon Musk Pulls Down Documentary About India PM Modi

#narendramodi #documentary #censorship #freespeech #twitter #youtube #india

This one goes out to recently arrived or aspiring Twitter refugees

Did you know that there is an #RSSFeed for every #youtube channel?
If supported by your client, you can use the channel URL. If not supported, open the channel page source code and look for 'title="RSS"', the feed URL will be next to it..

For example it's
for @thelinuxEXP channel :ablobcatbongo:
A picture of the source code view of that highlights the "title=RSS" property, to show that every youtube channel does include an RSS feed.

Vous vous rendez dans la bibliothèque audio mise à disposition par #YouTube pour les créateurs. Vous téléchargez les musiques libres de droits d'auteur que vous appréciez. Vous les stockez et les utilisez pendant des mois.

Paf !? Des réclamations pour atteintes aux droits d'auteurs tombent de la part de YouTube !?

Pourquoi ? Comment est-ce possible !?

Simplement parce que YouTube fait un roulement dans sa bibliothèque audio. Les musiques proposées n'y restent pas indéfiniment.

I wanted to send out a massive #ThankYou to @ronja for prompting me a few weeks ago to look into the captions that were automatically generated for my #YouTube videos.

I had been a little over confident in Google's ability to understand what I was saying.

I have since gone through all of my content over the last few weeks and manually fixed the CC myself.

Not only has my viewership increased, the percentage of people using CC has increased from 12% up to just over 30%.


Borders by #Kalandra is no doubt one of the most touching songs I have ever heard. It's deeply spiritual and harsh and I shiver every time I listen to it. Katrine Stenbekk made nothing less than a masterpiece.


#Norway certainly has some brilliant musicians. Kalandra is just one of many Norwegian bands and musicians I've been listening to lately.


I love this article that not only clearly explains what #mastodon is, but also why it's so much better than ad-driven engagement-focused centralized media like #twitter, #facebook, #instagram, #youtube, etc etc etc. Check it out!
A screenshot from the above linked article describing how handling abuse on mastodon differs from Twitter and other centralized media.

Handling video with Friendica

Hello !Friendica Support, it's me again :)

today i was about to upload #video to my #friendica account , but figured no possible way to do this.

When i'm about to upload file, i get "bad request". I also did not found the way to upload it into "files section".

Embedding from #youtube also does not work for me.

Is there any way to use video in posts in friendica at this moment?


Heya! I'm Bee. I do chill streams of chill games on #Twitch, upload vods on #Youtube, and otherwise just talk about stuff I like. Check the links in my profile metadata!

Expect tangents about anime, Hololive, F1, coffee, mechanical keyboards, and digital art, as well as hype for upcoming #videogames.


Versteht Ihr den #Algorithmus von #YouTube? Das hier ist mein Video mit den bei weitem meisten Aufrufen, ich weiß nur halt nicht warum … 🤔 😅

Falls Ihr es Euch anschauen mögt, freue ich mich sehr über jedes Like und jedes Follow. 🤗 ❤️

#Stettin #Szczecin

Speaking of decentralized video, where is the #Matrix #Peertube channel? Or even just a #Peertube mirror of the #YouTube channel? It seems odd that the "open standard for decentralised persistent communication" only seems to share videos on a closed, centralized surveillance video platform. :doggoblob:

Super excited for the advancements in native, decentralized, E2EE video calling. Just wish I could learn about them from a similar source.

It's incredibly difficult to watch #YouTube via #Tor, every exit node is blocked due to what Google calls "unusual traffic". Connecting to a new circuit 500 times before you are finally presented with the captcha where you can find traffic lights on 500 pictures is quite some work.

Why not publish videos on Odysee, for example?

Wie mache ich Tutorials - Achtung Aufnahme

In diesem Tutorial erzähle ich darüber, wie und warum ich Tutorials mache und was alles drum herum dazu gehört.

#Tutorial #Workshop #Youtube #OBS #Gimp

"In 2020, for the fourth year in a row, #google purchased enough renewable energy to match 100 percent of our annual global electricity consumption."

#YouTube #EnergyUse

To everyone busy videos moralizing about how much electricity BitCoin uses, in videos published on YouTube ...

"YouTube uses about 243.6 TWh (over 1% of global electricity)"

... and that's only in their datacentres. Add to that all the energy used sending video across the wire and playing it on people's devices.

#BitCoin #YouTube #EnergyUse

A summary of the changes:

YouTube’s right to monetize: #YouTube has the right to monetize all content on the platform and ads may appear on videos from channels not in the YouTube Partner Program.

Everyone gangsta until youtube turns on ads for all videos.
P.S. You dont get the 40% cut unless you have 4,000 valid public watch hours in the last 12 months.

YouTube’s right to monetize: #YouTube has the right to #monetize all content on the platform and #ads may appear on videos from channels not in the YouTube Partner Program.

#ublockorigin #odysee #peertube

Meine kleine #LP-Sammlung ist ein Überbleibsel aus den wilden WG-Jahren der #80er und #90er. Somit kommen da drei Haushalte und ein buntes #Potpourri an unterschiedlichster #Musik zusammen. Alle bislang gehörten #LPs haben die Jahre gut überstanden und sind in erstaunlich guter #Qualität (bislang).

Jean-Michel Jarre - Equinoxe

#Music #JeanMichelJarre #Equinoxe #FullAlbum #YouTube #Photo #MyPhoto #Gimp

dang apparently a lot of people lurk #youtube-dl / ##youtube-rant was created after numerous cyclic discussions on stuff like
  • Fuck GitHub
  • Fuck RIAA
  • Fuck copyright
  • Matrix > IRC
  • IRC > Matrix
has made the discussions in various youtube-related Matrix/IRC rooms so much better