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holy shit yall I just tried to put up a FULLY CLOTHED video that's simply talking to my friends about the channels they want to start, one about disability awareness and one about her experiences as an intersex person (born with XXY chromosomes) and the fuckwits over at #youtube IMMEDIATELY #banned it as "nudity and sexual content" 🙃

Of course I appealed it, but past experience has always proven that appeals are useless and will just immediately get rejected anyway. Why do I even bother?

I may have to make a new twitter account, just to dm @teamyoutube, which has been the ONLY time I've ever been able to contact someone to get a wrongly banned video reinstated (and rarely at that). Fucking insanity.

Feeling like maybe I should give up on this whole content creation thing finally, again. I mean, I should be tired of getting punched in the face by now.
wow, I'm watching it now. I'll be sure not to stop it until it's finished (Unless there's another one)