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Items tagged with: FOSS

TROMjaro Searches -

We have integrated web searches into the apps menu to give you almost instant access to the web.​

#linux #tromjaro #foss #opensource #open-soyrce #xfce

Do you want to help make software safer? Find the bugs in our ntpd-rs!

The ntpd-rs Bug Bounty Program offers a reward to anyone who finds a qualifying vulnerability.

Read the details here:

This Bug Bounty Program is organized and funded by @sovtechfund . Read more about this initiative here:

#foss #opensource #security

TROMjaro Gestures -

Did you know that TROMjaro comes setup with a few basic and very "handy" 😀 gestures for the mouse, touchpad and touchscreen?

#linux #foss #tromjaro #xfce

We will soon update our TROMjaro theme switcher to support some 160 unique theme styles with a very simple interface 😀

A complete theme switcher application 😀.

#tromjaro #trom #linux #foss #opensource #xfce #theming

❤ frOSCOn ❤

After many years I have again attended #frOSCon at #Bonn. It felt nostalgic going through the community stalls and seeing the familiar faces. Whats new is most of the commercial sponsors have actually more #FOSS stack powering their systems than before and thats actually a bigger victory than people calling "Hey when is the year of #linux desktop?"

The only sad thing was it was super hot inside and all rooms are not designed to handle the crowds on a hot summer days. Strange that I never felt so before. Is it also the reason why there are less crowds than before?

🐸 📺 Live-Streams (+Re-Live) – FrOSCon 19 (Free and Open Source Software Conference)…

@FOSS - Freie Software

Programm und "Thematische Schwerpunkte

Froscon-Startseite - Maskottchen ist ein Frosch

Wir bieten Vorträge zu aktuellen Entwicklungen aus dem gesamten Bereich der Freien Software und Open Source. Regelmäßig mit dabei sind z.B. die folgenden Themen:

  • Betriebssysteme
  • Entwicklung
  • Administration
  • #Sicherheit
  • Rechtliche Fragen
  • Desktop
  • #Bildung
  • Cloud

Jedes Jahr haben wir auch besondere Schwerpunkte. Für 2024 sind das:

  • In #Rust we trust – Memory safe languages
  • Grow your own – Open Source #Pflanzenbau
  • #SBOM – Lieferkettensicherheit in OSS
  • Thinking outside the stack – eBPF und Freunde
  • Bridging the Gap between politics and reality – Lobbying für freie Software
  • AI AI, captain – #LLM, machine learning & Co."

#Froscon #Froscon2024 #FOSS #OpenSource

Improvements for :

Our TROM Social first page (login) is not anymore just an empty page with a simple login, it provides you a peek into the fediverse:

Now you can see what's going on on the network, maybe to convince you to join 😀. It took a lot of CSS and HMTL gymnastics to achieve this. From my tests on desktop with mobile emulators all looks good on mobile, but for some reason when I check it on my phone it does not look as it should....I shall investigate.

Implemented some dark toggles for some of our services, where it was doable, such as Call



And made our TROM Call, Jitsi Meet, more reliable.

Lastly we spent many days trying to figure out how to make our Peertube Live work better. Hours of tests, lots of logs. Hopefully we can make it more reliable.

#peertube #trom #tromsite #jitsi #searx #opensource #foss #friendica #fediverse


A big thank you to the anonymous donor who sent 500 Euros for @Rokosun to buy a laptop. Roko has been helping with our TROM projects for a while now. TROMjaro would not be possible the way it is now without him. He is the one coding our layout and theme switchers and a lot more.

Roko got TROM's "legacy" laptop a year ago 😀 but unfortunately the motherboard died 🙁. So he ended up using an old laptop that barely worked. He could barely test stuff for TROMjaro. So he really needed a good machine.

Now he will buy one and will be able to more easily help with the TROM project. We have a lot of plans! Follow us on the fediverse ;)

#linux #trom #tromjaro #donation #laptop #foss #trade-free

After many months we are bringing back our Search! thanks to Danny!

But with a twist. Instead of hosting a SearX instance we are using a script that checks the best and most reliable instances and uses them randomly for every search. It is a meta-search engine. This way we make sure it is reliable and our IP will never get blocked by google and the rest.

For those who do not know, SearX is itself a sort of meta-search engine, pulling results from google, DDG, yahoo and more, removing the ads and trackers, and basically allowing you to search without those viruses.

So, we are finally back!

To add it to Firefox simply right click the URL after the page loads, and then add the TROM Search as a search engine. From Firefox's settings make sure you select it to be as default for your browser.

#searx #searxng #search #foss #opensource #tromtf #trom

TROMjaro is alive and well. And we keep it up to date and relevant - - I love our Linux distro! 😀 I love when it is stable and just works. And we also ship with so many tweaks you can simply use it. No ads, no trackers, all apps available in Linux from one single place - click and install. I love it. A very positive project indeed 😀

#tromjaro #linux #foss #opensource #operatingsystem

Quoting directly from the GPL: `The “source code” for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it.`

If a project is so difficult to build, package or redistribute that the only practical way is to use docker then this is hardly #FOSS.

Please boost for visibility if you don't mind.


We now have 6 servers dedicated to transcoding/transcribing our Peertube videos - thanks to @Alexio who is providing 4 of them! Peertube is now a complete replacement for Youtube and I will make sure to push it a lot more in terms of use and promotion! We need to get people to use it, else without content, it won't go anywhere....

Feel free to use our instance!

#peertube #youtube #video #opensource #foss

FOSS Browser v 16 "Richard Stallman" (WIP)

For the past several months no one could install flatpaks from our Trade-Free TROMjaro app Library - - and now we finally fixed it thanks to @Rokosun ! One click installs 😀

We have curated around 700 trade-free apps for the library and we plan to add a lot more the following months. Check it out!

#tromjaro #linux #trade-free #opensource #foss #flatpak

Bei den Grazer Linuxtagen sind (fast?) alle Hörsäle mit zahlreichen Steckdosen ausgestattet. Davon könnte sich so manche größere europäische Uni, die ebenfalls Austragungsort von #FOSS-Konferenzen ist, ein wenig inspirieren lassen. #glt24
Doppelsteckdose montiert zwischen den Hörsaaltischen.

Thank you so much Eduard for becoming the 77th supporter of TROM! We run a unique fundraiser for TROM in that we need only 200 people to donate 5 Euros a month in order to support us for the long run.

Distributed support so that it won't put a big toll on anyone, and a limited goal so that we do not get rich.

If you appreciate the so many things that we do at TROM (see then please consider supporting us.

#tromlive #foss #opensource #privacy #documentary #fediverse

A couple things to think about here:

This appears to be a malicious maintainer - not a compromised account. Meaning the person themselves, coded this in an pushed it out.

1) Did they try and backdoor any other code?
2) Are they part of a greater campaign or is anyone else helping them.

This is a massive breach of trust.

That said! Huge kudos to Andres Freund, Florian Weimer, and others in finding this.

A lot of eyes are on this now. CISA is involved. Major distros are involved, etc. Many eyes and such.

#infosec #linux #foss #hacking #cve20243094 #cve

Our Frienica instance got updated to the latest stable and all of our custom themes were updated and we added 2 more: Brown and Grey.

Go to Settings - Display to test them out.

They will be shared with the Friendica's developers if they want to include them in the default Friendica's themes or get some ideas about future changes.

Big thanks to these people who create Friendica for being so awesome and for keeping Friendica so useful and feature-rich!

#friendica #foss #activitipub #fediverse #fedi

We provide Mastodon/Peertube/Nextcloud/Friendica and more, as a service. For a cost. Just order and have your own instance, no headaches.

I always do trade-free stuff, but since I am trapped in this trade-system and I do not get enough financial support via the projects that I do, I have to also trade a bit.

WebApe is what I do to trade. Basically we create websites, install Mastodon/Friendica instances, Peertube, Nextcloud, etc.. We setup, manage, update, customize.

We try to do something decent and make some money with that, to then support our free projects.

So if you want a Mastodon instance for example, or any other website/service, please see I have lowered the prices now, so a Mastodon instance starts at 30 Euros per month.

We will take a limited amount of websites so to not overwhelm ourselves.

Please share if you think others might be interested. In a way, we can make the fediverse more known and accessible via the WebServices that we provide.

#foss #opensource #fedi #fediverse #mastodon

@Freedom of the Press
In the text, not a word about the fact that the rules , on which #meta offers cooperation (e.g., the obligation of confidentiality of all shared technical information) exclude from potential cooperation any #decentralized communicator based on #foss. The #EuropeanCommission should kick them in the ass for this.

Anarch-cow certainly has a point

Certainly, it is already no longer possible, in my view, to call oneself an anarchist without adding a qualifying adjective to distinguish oneself from lifestyle anarchists. -- Murray Bookchin

#anarchy #freedom #state #distinguish #lifestyle #quote #anarch-cow #cli #gnu #linux #foss #cowsay

If you see the AGPL licenses on my free and open source work and you think “damn you, I can’t use this to enrich myself or my corporation without sharing back what I’ve built on top of what you’ve freely shared and thus contribute to cultivating a healthy commons where others might enjoy the same benefits from my work that I want to obtain from yours” (a) you really have long-winded thoughts and (b) well, you already see the flaw in your reasoning.

#foss #licenses #freedom #copyleft #gpl

Thank you Wojmir for the 10 Euros donation! Let us remind you that we desperately need help to fund our backups for all of our projects. We need to raise 300 Euros in less than 2 weeks.

To keep on doing trade-free things in a trade-based world is a fight that requires a lot of struggles, almost like swimming against a tsunami. But what is the alternative? Give up and not do anything? That's by far the easiest solution since the water current will push you into the "normal" direction. But for now we are still trying with TROM. We have reached many thousands of minds and with very little funding required. Thus, if you think TROM is still relevant, consider to support it since I (Tio) cannot push it all by myself.

Big thanks to the few people who are still supporting TROM, financially or not.

#tromlive #foss #opensource #privacy #funding

The Krita monthly development update is here!

#krita #foss

We need help to pay for our backups. This is a yearly funding campaign that we do, so if you can help us please see here - we only need 300 Euros for a full year of 4TB encrypted backups.

This means everything from our videos and documentaries, books, websites, including (meaning all of the files that users have uploaded to our services - from Peertube videos to Nextcloud files). Everything!

300 Euros to make sure that we have everything backed-up in a secure place.

Please help if you can and thanks a lot for doing that!

#tromlive #opensource #foss #volunteering #alternative

Why I use #Firefox

  1. The about:config page
  2. Mozilla cannot decrypt my data on their servers
  3. Translating web pages is also completely private
  4. Mozilla develops their own browser engine
  5. The best support for extensions on #Android
  6. A great picture-in-picture player

I #trust #Mozilla more than I trust #Google, #Apple, #Microsoft, or any other company that makes #web browsers. This trust is based on the fact that Mozilla chooses the highest level of user privacy when developing services such as Firefox Sync, Firefox Translate, and others. A web browser is an integral part of a person’s #online life, so it makes sense to choose a #browser from a company that one trusts the most.

source: https://š

#software #freedom #opensource #foss #floss #internet #privacy #security #www #surfing

Now TROMnews has categories for the news to make it a lot easier to sort through them.

The homepage also got a bit of a rework for the News section:

TROMnews is now far better than it was before. If you'd like to support this work please consider helping us here

#tromlive #news #science #environment #climatechange #tech #foss

Updated our TROM Files to Nextcloud 28. Biggish update. We had to remove the following apps tho, since they were not compatible: files_3d, files_markdown, metadata, video_converter, extract. Whenever these are available for Nextcloud 28 we will enable them.

Take advantage of our TROM Files - you get 10GB of storage space and access to better tools than Google's Drive. All trade-free.

#tromlive #foss #opensource

Is there a version of FourSquare / Swarm for the Fediverse?

I want to check in to a specific location and share that online. Not looking for badges and mayors etc.

Just a geotagged post saying "I am here".

#FOSS #SelfHosted #FourSquare

Big thanks to those who support our 200 for TROM donation campaign - there are 44 people donating 5 Euros a month and we need 200 in total. We provide a lot of materials and tools - see the donation page. Your support allows us to keep these alive and relevant, and if enough support to continue to produce more.

Remember, among many things, we provide a video platform with unlimited uploads for anyone, a file hosting platform with 10GB of storage for any user that registers, a social network and a chat platform. Also a Linux Operating System. A lot, and for everyone. So please, consider donating 5 Euros a month if you can. It is the only amount we accept.

Thank you!


#opensource #foss #fediverse #help #donation #campaign #free #trade-free #tradefree #tromlive

TROMjaro 2024.01.07 (and a longish article) - improvements to our Layout Switcher thanks to @Rokosun and new default apps ;)

#tromstuff #linux #foss #opensource #arch