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Items tagged with: cli

Anarch-cow certainly has a point

Certainly, it is already no longer possible, in my view, to call oneself an anarchist without adding a qualifying adjective to distinguish oneself from lifestyle anarchists. -- Murray Bookchin

#anarchy #freedom #state #distinguish #lifestyle #quote #anarch-cow #cli #gnu #linux #foss #cowsay

I'd love to write #CLI programs in a statically typed #programming language for a living. Is there a home office #job opening like that in #Austria? #Rust #Linux

I'm in need of a little Nerd-Pr0n... what little useful thing comes into your mind as tool of at the Linux command line? Not a super-nerdy command to sophisticated resolve a problem, but a tool for actual problems that would also be useful for n00bs to take their fear about using the CLI?

So curling is a nice trick - but yesterday I discovered v2 of the service (probably around for a million years but new to me).

Screenshot der Terminalausgabe von curl, einem Wetterbericht für die Kommandozeile


yt-dlp and wget to fetch files from the Intenets without having to open a browser were on the list yesterday as well, but I'm eager to (re)discover some other nice tools.

#Linux #CLI