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I'm in need of a little Nerd-Pr0n... what little useful thing comes into your mind as tool of at the Linux command line? Not a super-nerdy command to sophisticated resolve a problem, but a tool for actual problems that would also be useful for n00bs to take their fear about using the CLI?

So curling is a nice trick - but yesterday I discovered v2 of the service (probably around for a million years but new to me).

Screenshot der Terminalausgabe von curl, einem Wetterbericht fΓΌr die Kommandozeile


yt-dlp and wget to fetch files from the Intenets without having to open a browser were on the list yesterday as well, but I'm eager to (re)discover some other nice tools.

#Linux #CLI
curl a website to find out your IP address resp. if you get there via ipv4 or ipv6. For me, the easiest to remember is curl but of course there are others.
I would be remiss if I did not bring awk to the table. It took me a while to wrap my head around it and learn its magic tokens but it has been invaluable and saved me immeasurable amounts of time. Alongside is slightly more enigmatic sidekick, sed. If you have tabulated plaintext data that need to be processed, I'd be hard-pressed to find a better option than awk.
@DopeGhoti I agree, awk is nice - but TBH not really something for the n00bs I have in mind πŸ˜‰
Maybe the good old gateway drug then- grep (:
If your terminal has inline images support, there's also v3.
@Thanatos Reiswaffelstulle πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ I'll try to integrate rdrview a bit into my daily life. It looks really nice πŸ˜€
Adding to my list bmon, khard, khal, vdirsyncer and lookatme but all are not really n00b applications.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
I'll write down how I did it when I find the time.

Oh, I didn't know about lookatme. Thanks πŸ˜€
netcat to to share multiple lines of text, e.g.: cat ~/some_file.txt | nc 9999