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Items tagged with: humanrights

Blair government accused #IDF of acting like Russian army in West Bank

Tony Blair’s government accused #Israeli forces of acting more like the “Russian army than that of a civilised country during a major military incursion into the occupied West Bank, newly released official files show.

The tensions, which have eerie parallels to western concerns over current Israeli operations in the #Gaza Strip, are laid bare in papers released by the National Archives.

#WarCrimes #Israel #HumanRights #CiviliansKilled #CiviliansAttacked

Barbarism vs. Civilization

Don't fall for the #propaganda in the fight against terror. In the last #war in #Afghanistan, you could separate terrorists from #freedom fighters by the fact that one group was supported by the #CIA and the other was not.

#terrorism #meme #politics #civilization #barbarism #military #news #society

Digital Resistance News - 2024-02-24 16:09:17 GMT

#war #terror #military #politics #meme #ethics #humanrights #fail

If what you’re building cannot be built without violating people’s consent, it should not be built.

#consent #humanRights #technology

“Shoot the dictator and prevent the war? But the dictator is merely the tip of the whole festering boil of social pus from which dictators emerge; shoot one, and there’ll be another one along in a minute.”
Terry Pratchett; Lords and Ladies
#DiscWorld #Jenrick #ECHR #HumanRights #ToryValues #ToryFascistDictatorship

Did a web search on GDPR lawyers in a given city. Only one apparently relevant result led to a law office specializing in #GDPR. And that website was a tor-blocking #Cloudflare site.

Then I searched for a #humanRights lawyer.

1st hit: tor-hostile website

2nd hit: tor-reachable website but lawyer’s email address resolves to #Google.

I’m not joking… can’t make this stuff up. Society is drowning in #hypocrisy but no one sees it because most people don’t know how to look for it.

Perhaps we need tools to make it easy for normies to be more informed. Tools exist but they are for advanced users.

If the thing you’re making wouldn’t exist if people had to opt in instead of having to opt out, maybe the thing you’re making shouldn’t exist.

#technology #humanRights #consent #respect

"The award-winning #Ukrainian #writer and #war crimes #researcher Victoria Amelina was critically injured in a #Russian missile strike on a pizza restaurant in eastern #Ukraine this week.

#HumanRights activists say the attack on the crowded building, which killed 12 people including 14-year-old twins and injured at least 60 others, was a #WarCrime."

#ArrestPutin #RussianWarCrimes #UN #NATO #G7 #EU #WTO #BRICS #China #SouthAfrica #India #Brazil #RussiaIsATerroristState

Happy #Newstodon Friday!

For this week's story, we'll share Michelle Pitcher's interview with #prison journalist Jason Walker, who bravely reports on conditions inside even though it puts his life at risk.

If you know anything about prison #journalism, you know both how courageous Jason is, and how hard Michelle had to work to get inside to report this story.

(Edit: Repetition)
#JournoLife #HumanRights #media #Texas #news
Prison journalist Jason Walker, a Black man with short hair and a short mustache. He has a serious expression on his face and is wearing a collared prison shirt, sitting behind a visitation window in this photograph.

"The Danger Of Privacy At All Costs"

People have to make a decision. You can only choose one.

Do you want freedom / human autonomy?

Or do you want pretend safety?

Ben Franklin quote:

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

Thomas Jefferson: "I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery"

#privacy #humanRights #autonomy #massSurveillance #crypto #e2ee #Signal #encryption quote

WiPri (WiFi Privacy) Updated Today (any Linux):

Many custom/classic options: unique mac address spoof + hostname + signal strength + SSID (including customized boot options added today) w/unique settings (including multiple types of continual changing randomization or device/brand mimic randomization) + protection checks from leaks (on static settings) (Continued...)

#Privacy #HumanRights #Linux #WiPri #metadata #anonymous #Infosec

Tor Download: http://gg6zxtreajiijztyy5g6bt5o6l3qu32nrg7eulyemlhxwwl6enk6ghad.onion/RightToPrivacy/WiPri/archive/master.tar.gz

Opening screenshots:

I share unique scripts, public #tutorials (+blog) in both writing/video, on various topics, mostly #Linux / #FOSS related, #security, #privacy, #cybersecurity, #HumanRights.

Check out my posts, organized by category and fully searchable (by title), here:

In his address to the Europe annual conference, FRA’s underlines the importance of ombudspersons institutes in standing up for #HumanRights across our societies.

Human Rights News - 2021-01-31 09:52:28 GMT
Amnesty International: "Facial recognition technology risks amplifying racist policing and threatens our right to protest. People should be able to go out about their daily lives without being tracked by facial recognition.

Call for a ban this form of mass surveillance: 📢

[:tw: — #humanrights #news #bot]

Human Rights News - 2021-01-30 13:52:35 GMT
Amnesty International: "Saudi Arabia has imprisoned women like Nassima al-Sada who demanded women's rights and equality. Now it is hosting the #G20 and claiming that women's empowerment is top of the agenda.

Call on Saudi Arabia to free her now: #W4R20 📢✍️

[:tw: — #humanrights #news #bot]

Human Rights News - 2021-01-29 10:52:23 GMT
Amnesty International: "As activists we need to protect our mental health and wellbeing. But what do we mean when talking about stress, burnout, anxiety and depression?


[:tw: — #humanrights #news #bot]