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Items tagged with: BlackHistoryMonth

Happy #BlackHistoryMonth !

I'm still not up to Black History! I'm still working through white US history. Bear with me! Almost there!

Q: Why does it seem like everything has to be woke now? Even our scientists?! It never used to be that way! Why does it seem like these days, even higher education has to think about race, when it didn't before?

A: Higher education, including STEM, did think about race before. That history has just been hidden from you. Because racism.


Did you know that the first paramedics were Black Pittsburghers? The wildly successful program they were in became a model across the USA, but in Pittsburgh itself they were canned and replaced by all-white crews.

There's a whole book about it, American Sirens.

#BlackHistoryMonth #medicine #paramedic #emergency #health #Pittsburgh

Happy #BlackHistoryMonth !

I'm still not ready for Black history. Still on white US history.

Q: Why do Black folk just assume that many supporters of Trump, Reagan, Nixon, etc are racist? That doesn't seem fair. Why do 90% of Black folk vote democrat? Why aren't more Black people "free thinkers?"

A: Racism. Black US folk know about the "Southern Strategy," and what Reagan, Nixon and their advisers said about us. They know the origins of the Alt-right. Many white US folk don't.


Happy #BlackHistoryMonth !

I still haven't made it to Black history. I'm close! But I'm still on white US history. It's everywhere!

Q: Why does it seem like Black folk don't contribute much to society or science or history? Most inventions are from Europeans? Why does it seem this way? Don't cancel me!

A: Racism. The lie of white supremacy requires that we pretend that white men are the only people that ever invented anything or contributed to society.


See I made this meme.

In panel one character a hands and object to character B while saying I made this. Character B asks you made this?

In panel 2 character B stares at the object.

In panel 3, character B now says I made this, taking credit for the object that was created.

Richard Spikes was a barber, school teacher, musician, businessman & inventor. He invented the beer tap, billiard cue rack, & the horizontally swinging barber chair.
Richard Spikes also patented the improved automatic gear shift and the automatic brake system and the turn signal for you all to Drive Safely! #BlackHistoryMonth #BlackMastodon

Happy #BlackHistoryMonth !

I'm still not talking about Black history. I'm still talking about white US history.

Q: Why do Black kids not do well in school? Is it because their dads are uninvolved and uncaring parents? Bill Cosby and Herschel Walker told me that, and they are good and wise men that we should listen to! It's Black dads' fault! Boo Black men!

A: No. Black kids only do poorly in school *in extremely racist countries.*


Dr. Mae Jemison, MD, the first black woman in space and first actual astronaut to appear on a Star Trek show, one of the very few people on this planet of whom two pictures can be posted depicting them doing their job on a spaceship with entirely different contexts.
#StarTrek #BlackHistoryMonth
Photos of DrZ Jamison in space and on Star Trek: The Next Generation

Charles Henry Turner was a pioneer in entomology - and he couldn't get a job in higher ed, so he taught high school biology.

"Across his distinguished 33-year career, Turner authored 71 papers and was the first African American to have his research published in the prestigious journal Science."

His simple but elegant experiments in public parks revolutionized understanding of bees.

#BlackHistory #BlackFriday #BlackHistoryMonth #Science
📷 Charles I. Abramson, CC BY-ND
Portrait of Charles Henry Turner, a 40-ish Black man with a neatly trimmed mustach

Elijah McCoy was born in 1844 in Ontario to formerly-enslaved parents from Kentucky. They saved enough to send him to Scotland to study mechanical #engineering. When he returned and couldn't get work in his field, he took a job as a train oilman and invented a method of automatic lubrication that eliminated the frequent stops trains had to make to oil up axles & bearings. Railroad companies asking for his product rather than copycat devices spawned the phrase "the real McCoy." #BlackHistoryMonth
A black-and-white photo of black inventor, Elijah McCoy.

Happy #BlackHistoryMonth !

You know the drill by now. I don't like talking about Black history. Americans know Black history. I want to talk about white American history. In other words, racism, and the erasure of both positive achievements of, and injustices suffered by, non-white people. That's what people don't know.

Try this: Ask your white US friends what the statue of liberty celebrates.

Now ask your Black friends. Or French folk of any color.

Full height photograph of the statute of liberty.

Anyways instead of going 'happy black history month' and some halfass post

you could actually send your money to me, a a poor Black that continues to exist in this fucking hellscape

Also it's my birthday this month and along with it being Black History Month, my power is doubled

(plus i need to buy me a new tablet so i can do art and i need to eat and i wanna get me something nice)

Ok thaaaaaaaaanks.$melaninpony

(people like hashtags right?)

#transcrowdfund #blackhistorymonth

Oh it’s #WomenInScienceDay ? AND #BlackHistoryMonth ???? SAY LESS.

Follow these BOMB Black women scientists! (And add more bc this isn’t all of us !!!!!!)

@astronaia - Electric propulsion!!!


Sanitary pads were developed by a Black woman named Mary Beatrice Davidson Kenner of Monroe, NC.
The first company that showed interest rejected it because of racial discrimination. It was later accepted in 1956, 30 years later.
Mary received five patents. #BlackHistoryMonth
