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Items tagged with: news

Rob Reiner to Film ‘This Is Spinal Tap’ Sequel in February, Says Paul McCartney and Elton John Will Appear
#Variety #News #RobReiner #ThisIsSpinalTap

“We need the blood of the women, children and elderly of Gaza to awaken the revolutionary spirit”

These are the words of one of the leaders of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, who is a billionaire and lives safe and sound in Qatar.
#AureFreePress #News #Israel #gaza #Hamas

Khaled Meshaal $5 Billion
Moussa Abu Marzook $3 Billion
Ismail Haniyeh $5 Million

Hamas leaders are lining their pockets at the expense of millions of innocent Palestinians in Gaza.
#AureFreePress #News #Israel #gaza #Hamas

Rich Hamas Leaders

While Japan boasts one of the highest adoption rates in the world, the majority of those don’t involve children at all, but rather adult men. As of 2017, a whopping 98% of all adoptions in Japan were of adult men. Japan makes it easy to adopt men, and not always for good reasons.

Read more here:

#japan #unseenjapan #adoption #news

Back in March, when the #fediverse came together to help save us, we changed our name to “Texas Observer Lives!”

Today, we changed it back to just "Texas Observer" because we need YOUR HELP to survive into 2024! It's up to our readers to preserve the voice of progressive #Texas by joining our fall membership drive.

Please consider joining—or renewing—today!

#journalism #JournoLife #Nonprofit #fundraising #news #culture #books #politics

A graphic showing the state of Texas with “since 1954” inside it. Main text reads: When Texas is at its worst, the Texas Observer is at its best. Become a sustaining member during our Fall Drive this month to help us raise $25,000 in critical membership revenue. Join Now!

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#AureFreePress #news

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Like Putin-"UP IN SMOKE"

Dramatic first pic shows Putin’s prized supersonic nuke bomber completely DESTROYED by ONE Ukrainian kamikaze drone

His military in tatters after 270,000 Russian dead in Ukraine, his economy gasping for air as the the ruble falls against the mighty dollar, Putin is ignoring the obvious - "IT'S TIME TO LEAVE UKRAINE!"
#AureFreePress #Ukraine️ #Russia #Putin #EU #NATO #Zelensky #war #news #Moscow #USA #UK #Germany #Poland #France #Turkey
Russian nuclear bomber destroyed

“F-16. Breakthrough arrangement. Specifics from today. We will have F-16 in the Ukrainian sky. Thank you, Netherlands! Thanks Mark! Thanks to everyone who helps!

We will win!"
- President Zelensky
#Ukraine️ #Russia #Putin #EU #NATO #Zelensky #war #news #Moscow #USA #UK #Germany #Poland #France #Turkey

⚡️🇺🇦People dispersed to reduce number victims before second attack on Pokrovsk (more) #Ukraine #Press #News #Russia #RussiaUkraineWar #9yearsOfWarInUkraine #WantedDeadOrAlive

Brazil hosting Amazon summit: What you need to know #News

⚠️🇧🇾What A Wagner Mercenary Revealed On A Dating App (VIDEO and more) #Ukraine #Press #News #Russia #Belarus #RussiaUkraineWar #9yearsOfWarInUkraine #WantedDeadOrAlive

#Microsoft comes under blistering criticism for “grossly irresponsible” #security

Did Microsoft quickly fix the issue that could effectively lead to the breach of multiple customers' networks and services? Of course not. They took more than 90 days to implement a partial #fix—and only for new applications loaded in the service.

#Azure #problem #software #bug #cybersecurity #econemy #cloud #news

#Zuckerberg’s #Meta comes under #attack from human rights campaigners

#Internews said complaints about #misinformation on conflicts, such as the #Tigray #War in #Ethiopia, sometimes went unanswered for months, although warnings about content spreading in #Ukraine were typically dealt with quickly.

#economy #media #socialMedia #software #fail #politics #finance #problem #hate #fake #news #facebook

"Ukrainians are trying for now to save the few they do have by doing the job manually. Sapper units — sometimes a group of just four people — will often wait for twilight to clear paths, as they are too visible in the daylight and can be seen through night-vision devices in the dark.

Walking with a metal detector is unrealistic, sappers said, because they are too visible. So they crawl, relying on their vision to spot mines."

#Ukraine #Russia #War
Text from article:
“When the enemy sees even a Leopard tank in front of him and special engineering equipment, he will destroy the special equipment first,” he said. “Because without it, all the others will not pass. And in just a couple of days of the offensive, several such vehicles were destroyed along with their crews.”

Because the Russians have drones in the sky on the lookout for any mine-clearance systems to target with artillery and missiles, the Ukrainians are trying for now to save the few they do have by doing the job manually. Sapper units — sometimes a group of just four people — will often wait for twilight to clear paths, as they are too visible in the daylight and can be seen through night-vision devices in the dark.

Walking with a metal detector is unrealistic, sappers said, because they are too visible. So they crawl, relying on their vision to spot mines.

“It slows us down a lot, because the work of a sapper, it needs time and tranquility,” said Lt. Col. Mykola Moroz, the commander of the 128th Mountain Assault Brigade’s engineering and sapper battalion. “It’s not possible to do our work in these circumstances.”

"As a result, Kyiv’s forces have changed strategy...

Rather than try to break through with the infantry fighting vehicles and battle tanks that Western allies provided to aid Ukraine in this counteroffensive, units are moving forward, slowly, on foot.

“You can no longer do anything with just a tank... because the minefield is too deep, and sooner or later, it will stop and then it will be destroyed by concentrated fire”"

#Ukraine #Russia #War
#RussiaUkraineWar #News
Text from article:
As a result, Kyiv’s forces have changed strategy, Ukrainian military personnel said. Rather than try to break through with the infantry fighting vehicles and battle tanks that Western allies provided to aid Ukraine in this counteroffensive, units are moving forward, slowly, on foot.

“You can no longer do anything with just a tank with some armor, because the minefield is too deep, and sooner or later, it will stop and then it will be destroyed by concentrated fire,” Gen. Valery Zaluzhny, Ukraine’s military chief, said recently in an interview with The Washington Post.

"In a painstakingly slow process that has come to define the speed of the Ukrainian #counteroffensive, small groups of sappers on the front lines are crawling across minefields — sometimes literally on their stomachs — to detonate Russia’s defenses and clear a path for troops to advance.

...Areas between 3 - 10 miles deep... have been densely mined with antitank and antipersonnel #mines and trip wires."

#Ukraine #Russia #War #RussiaUkraineWar
#News #WorldNews
News headline and photo with caption.

Headline: The biggest obstacle to Ukraine’s counteroffensive? Minefields.
Areas in front of Russian defensive strongholds in the south and east have been densely mined

By Isabelle Khurshudyan and Kamila Hrabchuk
July 15, 2023 at 3:39 p.m. EDT

Photo with caption: During a training exercise last week in Ukraine's Zaporizhzhia region, soldiers prepare to clear an antitank mine by using rope to remove the detonator. (Ed Ram for The Washington Post)

Screen shot of a Mastodon post with the text:
"Ukrainians are trying for now to save the few they do have by doing the job manually. Sapper units — sometimes a group of just four people — will often wait for twilight to clear paths, as they are too visible in the daylight and can be seen through night-vision devices in the dark.

Walking with a metal detector is unrealistic, sappers said, because they are too visible. So they crawl, relying on their vision to spot mines."

#Ukraine #Russia #War 

Russia to deem Ukraine-bound ships 'potential carriers of military cargo' from Wednesday eve

Russia's Defence Ministry said on Wednesday it would deem all ships travelling to Ukrainian ports to be potential carriers of military cargo and their flag countries to be parties to the conflict on the Ukrainian side.

The move follows Russia's decision this week to pull out of the U.N.-brokered Black Sea grain export deal which had guaranteed the safety of Ukrainian exports for the past year.

#News #EuropeanNews #Europe #Ukraine #Russia #RussianInvasion #UkraineWar #UkraineRussiaWar

The shady world of Brave selling copyrighted data for AI training

#tech #technology #news #technews #internet #Brave #Bravebrowser #ChatGPT

⚠️🇷🇺A Russian Volunteer Soldier Was Forced To Return To The Front. He Hanged Himself Instead. (More) #Ukraine #NATO #Press #News #Russia #RussiaUkraineWar #9yearsOfWarInUkraine #WantedDeadOrAlive

Four men sentenced over French far-right terror plot

A Paris court Friday sentenced to prison four men from a French neo-Nazi group who discussed attacks on mosques and Jewish targets in an online chat group.

#News #EuropeanNews #Europe #France #FarRight #NeoNazism #Terrorism

Prigozhin has captured the headquarters of the Southern Military District and the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Rostov!
#Ukraine️ #Russia #Putin #EU #NATO #Zelensky #war #news #Moscow #USA #UK #Germany #Poland #France #Turkey #Wagner #Prigozhin

Content warning: Ukraine Russia War Stuff