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Items tagged with: mastotips

A follow-up post regarding the Mastodon search tips:

If the search options don't work, the reason might be that your Mastodon instance maintainer hasn't implemented Elasticsearch.

Also important: do not use capitals anywhere in the search conditions. E.g.: "From:me" doesn't work.

Further reading:


#mastodon #MastoTips #FediTips #tip #tips #information #knowledge #fediverse

I took some time to work out the exact #formatting that #Elasticsearch demands. If you think this might be useful, go ahead and boost. If you find any errors or would like to suggest additions, please also post a reply!

Hopefully this can help prevent a lot of frustration and trouble people might encounter and give them a better Mastodon experience!

(Updated to Revision 2)

Mastodon Elasticsearch - Essential Search Formatting

Capitalizing the "F" returns posts you made that include @joeybohij (Search doesn't run correctly?)

Putting a space between the colon and @ returns posts you made that include @joeybohij (Search doesn't run correctly?)

This returns posts from @joeybohij - assuming their posts are searchable
from:@joeybohij@spallone.somedomain apple
This returns posts from @joeybohij - assuming their posts are searchable, containing the word "apple"

from:@joeybohij@spallone.somedomain before:2023-09-01 apple
Elasticsearch uses the following date formatting:
This returns posts from @joeybohij - assuming their posts are searchable, containing the word "apple"
", before September 1st, 2023

from:@joeybohij@spallone.somedomain apple before:2023-09-01
This returns posts from anyone before September 1st, 2023, with "apple" in it.

TL;DR in Elasticsearch CAPITALIZATION is significant, SPACING is significant, DATE FORMAT is significant, and ORDER of search elements is significant! (And make sure to hit the blue "see all" once you've searched or only some results will load.)

From - October 23rd, 2023 (Revision 2)

Auch wenn #Mastodon keine algorithmische #Timeline hat, gibt es gute Möglichkeiten, die interessantesten/beliebtesten/besten(?) Beiträge darin leicht zu finden: von @decius benutze ich schon eine Weile, damit sieht man zusätzlich die Posts mit den meisten #Likes (von denen meine Instanz weiß) und beliebte #Hashtags. von @murmel_social ist #NeuHier kann man die Ergebnisse auch per Mail und #RSS abonnieren.

Was nutzt ihr?

#Fediverse #MastoTips

If you follow someone who boosts way too often, and you want to see their posts but not their boosts, you can do this:

1. Go to their profile page
2. Click on the menu button ︙
3. Select "Hide boosts from..."

If you change your mind later, go back to their profile and select "Show boosts from..." instead.

#FediTips #MastoTips #Mastodon

If you want to read a Mastodon thread in its own webpage, click the "..." on a post and then "Open original page"

This moved in version 4; if you're still on an earlier version, instead click the timestamp on the post

Please don't use a thread unroller bot! It's not necessary, and some people don't want their threads hosted elsewhere.


For those new to #fediverse you may have seen posts with the 🔒 or 🔓symbol usually on the top right corner.

This means the user who created the post is currently in or out of their chastity cage. Usually this is used as a sign to whether a user will reciprocate flirting or if they wish to stay abstinent.


If you're browsing a very new account, it may appear to be empty even though they have already posted lots of stuff.

This is because most Fediverse servers don't "backfill" new profiles, i.e. if no one followed them at the time a post was made then their post will not be visible from other servers, even if people follow them later. Followers of new users will only see posts made after they follow them, and the oldest posts will remain invisible.

You can see all of a profile's public posts by clicking on the profile's avatar to open it on its home server.

You can also force any post to become visible from your server too by copying the post's public URL and pasting it into the search box on your server.

(If you think this is crazy, and you'd like Mastodon to automatically backfill posts when people follow an account, please give a thumbs up to the issue at so that the developers realise you want this.)

#FediTips #MastoTips #Fediverse #Mastodon

Have you been mentioned in a thread on Mastodon but you don't want to hear about it any more?

You can mute that particular conversation thread so that you don't get any more notifications about it.

On the Mastodon web interface, go to one of your posts in the conversation and click "...", then select "Mute Conversation".

(You can cancel this by doing the same thing again and picking "Unmute Conversation")

#MastoTips #Mastodon #FediTips

For new people wondering why Mastodon is on thousands of servers instead of one:

-It helps protect us all against Elon Musk scenarios. It's very difficult for anyone to buy a network made of thousands of independently owned servers. (It's the same reason why no one owns the world's email network, because there are so many independent providers out there.)

-If your server misbehaves (or sells out to a malevolent billionaire), you can move your account to a different server, or even to a brand new server. Decentralisation means you're never trapped on a site you hate.

-Mastodon is an open platform where anyone can start their own server, and they don't need tech knowledge if they use a service like or

...and there are lots more good reasons too, to do with servers using alternative Fediverse software etc, but I'll save that for a future post 😁

#MastoTips #Mastodon #FediTips #Fediverse

Mastodon has Direct Messages (DMs), there are two ways to make them happen:

-Create a normal message, set its privacy to "Direct" and then @ mention whomever you want to receive the message. If you mention more than one person it becomes a group chat. This works on all apps and versions of Mastodon.


-If you're logged in through the website, or if you're using a third party app, you can click on the "..." menu on a post or a person's profile and select Direct Message. This then automatically creates a direct message just like the one in the previous method. You can also look at your previous DMs by clicking on the envelope or the "Direct Message" link in the menu.

The official apps don't currently have any specific DM features, but you can use the first method in them and it works fine.

The end result of both methods is exactly the same.

#MastoTips #FediTips #Mastodon #Fediverse #DirectMessages #DMs

If your Mastodon admin is thinking about changing their instance colour scheme, this article might be useful to them:

#MastoAdmin #MastoTips #Mastodon #FediTips #Themes

✅ All links on Mastodon count as 23 characters, no matter how long they really are

URLs can be as long as you want, they will never exceed 23 characters of your limit.

There is no need to use a link shortener!

#FediTips #MastoTips #LinkShortener #LinkShorteners #URLShortener #URLShorteners #CharacterLimits #Mastodon