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Items tagged with: videogames

I really like that professional Dota 2 #eSport teams are still using paper notes during the strategic phase before each game despite everything else about their activity being digital.
#VideoGames #Dota2

#MiniReview #VideoGames Bounty Train (2017) by Corbie Games is an economic simulation set in the American East around the Civil War. Zooming between stations in your personal steam train, you will have to transport passengers, cargo and crew to make money and face the many perils of this time, including bandits, native Americans, Union and Confederate soldiers, and even the Ku Klux Klan.

This game manages to breathe life in what is essentially a min-max game with interesting diminishing returns, timed and random events, and an overarching storyline that keeps things from going stale. You'll meet, even briefly, characters like Ulysses Grant, Robert Lee, Mark Twain, Samuel Colt and some of the most famous rail barons of the time.

Interestingly, I abandoned the game a few years back because of a save game breaking bug, but when I reinstalled it recently, ready to start over, I was able to resume my old save and complete the campaign.

Finally reviewed Dice Legacy (2021) and it’s disappointing, as foretold by the early reviews. I wanted it to be better, but the studio DESTINYbit’s answer to the well-deserved criticism has been surprisingly immature.
#Review #VideoGames

Valve has announced that their annual #Dota2 tournament The International would take place in Seattle and the play-offs are on the Oct 27th-29th week-end. I've been wanting to attend The International for several years, but so far it has taken place in remote locations around the world I wasn't able to fly to.

This year it finally would be doable for me, but I wouldn't want to go on my own (or inflict this on my partner), do I know any fellow Dota 2 enthusiasts planning on attending the event with whom we could group together?

Please boost for reach! #VideoGames

This post is for all the #Gaming folks that signed up on .social by default who are looking for a home on #Mastodon that focuses on #VideoGames, has an inclusive community, and is well moderated. :boost_ok:

Come join us by signing up here -->

If you need help, we can help you transfer your account over! :blob_cat_dance:

Also, check out our 'how to' page for new users:

#TTRPG #RetroGames #Nintendo #Xbox #Playstation #PCGaming #DnD #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA

#MiniReview #VideoGames Dredge (2023) is a light horror-fishing game I discovered on a Twitch stream and liked instantly. With simple QTEs for the actual fishing and a somewhat limited map, it isn't very long (I finished the main story in about 10h) but makes up for it in raw charm. Visuals, sounds and atmosphere are all top-notch, while forgiving mechanics makes it avoid the die-and-retry pitfall.

Highly recommended!

Installed Battlestar Galactica Deadlock, played 2/3 of the tutorial missions, and uninstalled it immediately. Sticking to the source material, the design of the starship is exceptionally drab. Not that you'll see much of it; as a simultaneous turns strategy game, the scale of the skirmishes means that ships are pretty tiny on the screen. With a slow pace inherent to the genre and no eye candy to make up for it, it didn't catch my attention.

Maybe it'll catch yours! #VideoGames

In #VideoGames, we're all familiar with display engines struggling to render complex scenes, leading to stuttering or lower frame rate. I'm curious about the opposite, cases where the simulation itself is struggling but the rendering done in parallel is just fine? Video examples appreciated.

That feeling when you keep losing racing against your own ghost in #VideoGames

#MiniReview #VideoGames
  • Install Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus (2018).
  • Get team wiped out on the second tactical battle after the tutorial.
  • Uninstall.

I simply don't have the time for these games.

#MiniReview #VideoGames As the sole survivor of a mission to save the world, you are The Captain (2021) on a journey back to hopefully save Earth. With a branching storyline that you can fast-replay to get all the alternative paths, it is a nice point-and-click game with engaging characters. I couldn't bear to finish the game though, as the story themes around loss and responsibility started to weigh a little too much on my mind. Still recommended.

I am longing for an official Dota 2 board game so that I can accurately recreate the video game experience of having neither time nor friends to play it with. #VideoGames #BoardGames #Dota2

#MiniReview #videogames After Two Point Hospital (2018) that was too close to Theme Hospital (1998) for me to enjoy on its own, Two Point Campus (2022) is the proof that Two Point Studios have Bullfrog-like chops. Played during a recent Free Weekend, I found it to be a fun and engaging building/management game, this time like no other.

This is literally the premise of the Fallen London gothic horror universe developed by Failbetter Games in three pieces of interactive media that I all recommend:
- Fallen London (2009), a text-based browser game.
- Sunless Seas (2015) and its direct sequel Sunless Skies (2019), a couple of exploration role-playing games.

BREAKING: LONDON FELL. It now shares a municipality with six more circles of hell than before.

#MiniReview #VideoGames Finally played @IndustriesGame after backing it several years and waiting for the 1.0 release a week ago, went bankrupt during the tutorial mission, 10/10 will play again. 👍

Here it is, my #Review of Death Stranding. I left the game not much better than when I entered it ~75 play hours ago, which is a testament to the talent the studio had to deploy to make any sense of Kojima's hypothetical grand plan. #VideoGames

After 75 hours I'm finally free from Death Stranding, is anyone still interested by a review 18 months after its official release or should I keep myself to a mini review to avoid (re-)triggering Death Stranding fatigue? #VideoGames

Once again, I played the game of "Browsing Steam" for about an hour and, more importantly, for free!


I have a bunch of new followers today, so a re- #Introduction is in order.

I'm Serge. I'm sometimes known online as @emacsen

I'm a believer in the power of #FreeSoftware to do good in the world and be an agent of self-determination.

I believe in #FreeCulture because culture is part of humanity.

My most recent project is #Babka, an online space for #Jews and Jewish allies.

I'm a #geek I love play, #boardgames #ttpg, #videogames, #superheroes

Let's be #friends

I've recently shared on here that running water and sewers were my favorite engineering feats including because we now take them for absolute granted nowadays. But it hasn't always been the case, and I just had a lot of fun managing a Polish city's water supply from the XVth century into the XXth thanks to @scriptwelder . Check out Waterworks!


#MiniReview #VideoGames Sunless Skies (2019) is the direct sequel to Sunless Sea (2015) taking place in Failbetter Games's gothic horror Fallen London universe. And exactly as its predecessor, it's very well written and eventually very tedious.

I realize that I’ve never formally recommended Playnite. This is an open-source video game library manager with bindings for most commercial game stores (Steam, Epic,, GOG, XBox, PlayStation,, …), allowing to have a synthetic view of a scattered digital video game library.

It’s available on Windows and I can’t recommend it enough. I even contributed $15 to its development.


#MiniReview Humankind™ (2021) is a nice game, but it is so similar to Civilization VI (2016) that it feels like a glorified mod, down to the degraded performances on my computer and the odd couple of quirks. The few new concepts are neat, but they don't alter the overall game experience beyond its obvious inspiration. #VideoGames

#MiniReview After 8 hours, I finished Titanfall 2 (2016) single-player campaign and it was very, very good, as @Bean!_ advertised. I tried to find a multiplayer cooperative Frontier Defense game but I couldn't keep a connection to the server before actually finding a game. I'm sad there's no local bot match but overall I can't complain.


Brace yourselves, the Steam Winter Sale Has Begun!


Announcement! :verified_mastodon: :boost_ok:

We have been officially approved to be listed on under the #Gaming category! :1up: :controller4: :blobcatgamer:

We’re super excited for what this means for our servers continued growth. Thank you all SO MUCH for your ongoing support!

#VideoGames #gamer #RetroGaming #Tabletop #DnD #GameDev #Developer

Last night I dreamt I was playing a video game about extraterrestrial colonization survival. It was a top-down 8-bit style game where most of the life support aspects had to be manually activated by colonists. In particular power was provided by an exercise bike.

The main issue was that colonists would progressively become mad one by one, turning on their former teammates. At the end, the local wildlife also showed up and a giant space giraffe was wrecking havoc in my simple base while being mostly unharmed by the Tesla coil defense tower installed on the roof.


Just in case someone else stumbles on my Axiom Verge (2015) post, but it can be fun for anybody else, here's an incredibly detailed #map of the game world, with 1 pixel = 1 basic block.
#VideoGames #PixelArt #Metroid

I'm close to the end of Axiom Verge (2015), a recent Metroid homage, and I wonder whether people actually like wandering in an almost completely explored map, searching for the place to go next once most of the traversal tools have been unlocked? Feels tedious. #VideoGames

Brief #introduction:

- Product manager in the #MusicSoftware industry, based in Stockholm

- Musician and #synthesizer enthusiast

- Used to compose #GameMusic for indie games
- Unhealthy interest in #VideoGames and #VideoGamePreservation
- Particularly fond of #JRPG, #shmup, #DungeonCrawler, and #Nintendo
- Enjoys discovering new vegetarian food
- Adopted a Sphynx cat that I love more than people

- Often in too deep in new interests

- The heart beats to the left

An updated list of my current interests:

#VideoGames - currently playing Outriders, big fan of Mass Effect, hoping for a third Ori game.

#ScienceFiction - some favorites are "Star Maker" by Olaf Stapledon, "The Birthday of the World" by Ursula LeGuin, "The Commonwealth Saga" by Peter F Hamilton.

#consciousness - I'm currently exploring the idea that consciousness begets matter in my upcoming book series "The Psychonaut Chronicles"

#PopCulture - it's the High Art of humanity, change my mind.

Heya! I'm Bee. I do chill streams of chill games on #Twitch, upload vods on #Youtube, and otherwise just talk about stuff I like. Check the links in my profile metadata!

Expect tangents about anime, Hololive, F1, coffee, mechanical keyboards, and digital art, as well as hype for upcoming #videogames.


I suppose I should do an #introduction as well.

I'm Ryan!

Professionally, I do software engineering. Mostly as a #SRE, but it varies over time.

I play with computers, home networks, #maker things (#LEDs, #sewing, #leather), technology in general. (Ask me about my absurd VC setup.)

I fill free time with #videogames and #reading.

I care, deeply, about #lgbtq topics, #equality, (though, tbh, #equity is probably more accurate).

I collect random tidbits about, well, everything.

Me playing a puzzle game's 1st level: Haha fuck yeah!!! Yes!!

Me playing a puzzle game's 5th level: Well this fucking sucks. What the fuck.


Oof, this stings, but it's fair, no #Dota2 tournament I've watched in the past couple years escaped the betting sponsorship, some have even been going for cryptocurrency exchange sponsorship. I love the game but man it's depressing. #VideoGames

X-Zibit: "Yo dawg, I heard you liked #Minecraft so I put Minecraft in Minecraft so you can play Minecraft while you play Minecraft" #videogames #programming