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I'm close to the end of Axiom Verge (2015), a recent Metroid homage, and I wonder whether people actually like wandering in an almost completely explored map, searching for the place to go next once most of the traversal tools have been unlocked? Feels tedious. #VideoGames
I actually do, provided that the new traversal methods are more interesting than "walk fast" (as they are in AV). I certainly can understand how it would be a minus rather than a plus to some though.
@DopeGhoti I also played Hollow Knight (2017) which has Fast Travel points, making map scouring way less dull.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
I like when there are bits of the map left to discover, but not when itโ€™s completely blind. Havenโ€™t played Axiom but enjoyed the approach in Metroid Dread. Otherwise, I honestly just search for a walkthrough. (Yeah, Iโ€™ll admit it!)
@Bronson O'Quinn Me too, I don't have the time nor the patience for it either. The worst is returning to an unexplored part of the map several times only to discover you still don't have the correct traversal tool to progress. ๐Ÿ˜ญ
I finally gave up after obtaining the red coat last in the most eastern point of the map. I hate having to double-tap to dash, and the prospect of going all the way back to Goodness knows where is repellant to me. I also may have done things in a weird order so walkthroughs are useless to me at this point.

Very well made game, but I feel like they mimicked Metroid a little too much and I don't have it in me to play retro games, it's just too rough.