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I have a bunch of new followers today, so a re- #Introduction is in order.

I'm Serge. I'm sometimes known online as @emacsen

I'm a believer in the power of #FreeSoftware to do good in the world and be an agent of self-determination.

I believe in #FreeCulture because culture is part of humanity.

My most recent project is #Babka, an online space for #Jews and Jewish allies.

I'm a #geek I love play, #boardgames #ttpg, #videogames, #superheroes

Let's be #friends
Hey! Just curious; you have two accounts on Fediverse as far as I can see. Is it that one is more pro and another one more personal?
Should I follow just one? (I follow @emacsen ) or both?
Originally i was going to keep the geeky stuff on emacsen and the other stuff on serge, but I'm genuinely unsure now, because why *shouldn't* I post geeky stuff as serge, but I genuinely don't have an answer right now.

Maybe one day I'll find an answer, but in the meantime both of the accounts will follow you, because you're awesome as an artist and as a person and I don't want to miss anything!
😆 Thanks! Ok, I'll follow both.
Wait was this public?
I thought these were DMs!

I guess not! Yikes. Well...

If you like #art, and or adorable #cute things, or stories for girls, or #magic, or #cats, or #freeculture or just want to follow a really great #french guy, follow @davidrevoy
@davidrevoy While there technically are dms (go to someone’s profile and select message or similar) I pretty much treat mastodon as “everything is public”. DMs are more of a “to not fill people’s timeline” than private imho.

And @davidrevoy is a great artist. His style is great. Wish someone would pour a bucket of millions of him so they could make an animated show.